“Sorry for what? Your appearance? Your character? Wait, I bet it’s your smell. Twenty-four hours of terror, violence, chases, and being for all intents and purposes dead plays havoc with the armpits. Don’t let Lockwood step downwind of you tonight, that’s all I’m saying.”

“The same home can be a prison or a palace. It all depends on what you decide it to be.”

“Le profezie cambiano sempre, Alexandria. Niente è immutabile nel nostro mondo. E il potere non scorre mai in un solo verso. Il trucco è trovarne il modo di invertire la direzione.”

“Silence speaks a thousand words.”

“When you don’t feel loved, you will settle for feeling needed. The source of love is within you. Let it blossom. With every breath, you have everything you need.”

“A life of purposeful living is a life dedicated to the purpose of spiritual growth.”

“If we don’t take advantage of the opportunity that’s in front of us in any moment – to awaken, to se, to know, to break free- then we may be giving up our very last chance.”

“We write to sing soothing symphonies to our wounded souls”

“At the end of the day friendship proves itself more through your deeds than words could ever speak.”

“It is in between our two breaths that we think of as nothing, rests our life, as if suspended for the glimmer of a moment, Here abides the secret beyond all secrets.”

“We all need to be far more gentler with each other.And realise that some people’s heart’s injure with far more ease than others and dance to a quieter music.”

“We can only transform our lives by renewal of mind via renewed knowledge.”

“Don’t grow up it’s a trap”

“You have no idea what your legacy will be because your legacy is every life you touch.”

“When people start telling you how to fix things, Isobel, it’s best to first make sure those things need fixing.”