All Quotes By Tag: Life-quotes
“I am a Freedom Seeker and I choose to feel free. ”
“I am a Freedom Seeker, committed to experiencing my life as my true self.”
“Sometimes we have spent so long in the cage that it feels safer to be trapped inside.”
“Liberty is about being free and is granted by laws and conventions and government permissions. Freedom is about feeling free, and the only permission you need for that is your own.”
“We aren’t either afraid or brave, we’re usually both.”
“i just know no one is a friend like writing .”
“No one should gain access to the important areas of your life if you are not absolutely sure they are there for good reason.”
“You get to take what this world gives you.”
“One of the most troubling facts I have had to accept is that people are not all angel or all devil. They are both good and awful to varying degrees and in varying circumstances. On any given day, dependent upon the situation, you will be confronted by either the devil of a person or the angel of the same person or a curious mix of both. This means you can, and most likely will, love and hate the same individual alternately throughout your life. This truth I find painfully heartbreaking.”
“When in a frying pan, thank your stars. You will reminisce about it moments later, when you fall in the fire.”
“You have to be an Actor to face life not the camera.”
“Life gives us problems not to break us but to test our strength!”
“You call me at 12am or 3am I will pick up your call. Once I make a commitment, I don’t go back!”
“You are only susceptible to break easily due to occasionally bends if you are inflexible”
“The holes in my boots and the holes in my jeans make me whole!”