“Nothing brings out the strength in you, like pain does.”

“Book-faces with blank pagesComprehending – not – through many moons and stagesMired in cycles of worn out spacesUntil the dust settlesEvidently no changes”

“Aku rindu hari ketika kita bisa melakukan segala sesuatu tanpa perlu memikirkan alasannya.”

“We are all actors playing different roles in different phases of life. But we must try to play each role to perfection!”

“Sometimes it’s not the times you decide to fight, but the times you decide to surrender—those are the decisions that can make all the difference. Those are the ones that can shape your story in history.”

“Among the difficult things to suppress in the mind is the absolute truths of life!”

“It shouldn’t matter what I say, but rather, how you feel—don’t listen to the words of people. Instead, listen to your heart. It doesn’t lie, and it is speaking just as loudly.”

“The largest fish in the river grew to its size, not because of its strength, but because it learned not to bite a baited hook.”

“Some people like people who are into themselves because that is how they are. Being into faith or family calls for making a sacrifice and that is not easy.”

“Sometimes we can’t find our future until we settle our past.”

“Show me your life and I’ll show you your thoughts.”

“Life is messed up. Things don’t go according to plan. Things change when we don’t want them to change. But you find a way to deal and move on.”

“Some of the simplest of things can teach us the most profound lessons in life.”

“La natura non prevede che i simili si attraggano. E per una ragione semplicissima che non mi stanco di ripeterti: le anime si incarnano per crescere, non per compiacere del livello raggiunto. Disdegnano le situazioni comode e hanno bisogno di sfide.”

“When the World does not make sense to you, is the day you become sensible!”