“No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become “Successful”.”

“A rich social life (measured by quality of experience rather than quantity of friends) contributes to good health, happiness and longevity. So many of us place value on hard work, measurable achievement and wealth, and often fail to set aside time to nurture our relationships and strengthen social ties. We make the mistake of believing that security is found in material things rather than people.”

“My moments are mine………sorry.”

“Time ticks just like a bomb…TICK…TICK…TICK…TI”

“O yesterday! I won’t forget you because you are in my memories.O tomorrow! I won’t neglect you because you are in my dreams.O today! I won’t miss you because you are within my arms.”

“The greatest fear, I sometimes think, is that we are trapped: in bodies, in rooms, in time. Or the greatest fear is that we are not – that we can spill wide open. If one is, as Kafka says, dead in one’s own lifetime, the heart thuds a traitorous song: alive, alive.”

“With time involved, everything is temporary.”

“It’s the sands of time that contain the bones of our ancestors.”

“The concept of “work-life balance” is a fleeting idea for a Bombshell. Instead, a focus on work-life success—where her time and energy shifts based on the rotating demands of each area of her life—is far more realistic.”

“A Bombshell wants it all, yet she is beginning to see shecan’t have it all at once.”

“A Bombshell’s constant struggle is living up to her God given potential while also battling in her mind the difference between her expectations and the world’s expectations.”

“Remember, you are not aspiring for perfection, Bombshell. You are aspiring for progress, one step at a time.”

“Do your best in the day, for the day, and then work on tomorrow when it comes. Show yourself grace and laugh at yourself.”

“No one is better than you, they only converted their time better”

“All humans have got equal wealth; it’s the way we convert that differs”