All Quotes By Tag: Motivational-quotes
“Life is about chating a dream!”
“When you bring out the best in others you inevitably bring out the best in yourself.”
“Life is a process of progression”
“If you don’t know who you want to become or the life you want to live, you need to figure that out today or tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.”
“I need a true purpose. For a quest can never truly be sucessful without conviction to drive it.”
“This life can make you feel depressed, leaving you with so much stress,but all you can do is try your best.”
“Nothing is beyond our reach in life! If we put our heart, mind, and soul we can achieve anything in life.”
“You can turn off the world’s lights, but you cannot turn off the universe’s stars.”
“We are unique because of our imperfections!”
“The same tree has different shades of green;Each leaf is unique, growing on the same twig.Some veins wiggle too much,Some networks- almost a mush.Blossoming buds of the same branchDo not take the same time to grow.Then how do you think you’d fit inIn this strange world, away from home?”
“If you waste time looking at the storm, you might miss the sunshine.”
“Holdups serve to help you learn more about what you are trying to achieve, push your boundaries and score a lot of small victories when you overcome all these unexpected hurdles.”
“It is not the ultimate achievement that makes you extraordinary; it is what you become on the way to that achievement that people celebrate. This is what fills 295 pages of your 300 page (auto)biography!”
“You become ill or attract illness or dis-ease into your life because you refuse to let your brain grow.”
“The brain grows when used to think, to read and to create possibilities.”