All Quotes By Tag: Music
“There are songs that you play that you have to restart, and songs that you play that you never get right. But when a song is complete, there is no more you can do.”
“When I was a child and I would listen to my sister’s LPs She was a huge fan and she was so in love with him that she wrote him a letter. I enjoyed seeing my sis so happy about Manilow Mania. I wrote some lyrics based on one of his songs, also thinking of those ships that pass in the night in the city where I was born. Can you guess which one?Anyway, my sister was already unconscious at the hospital when I inserted an earplug so that she could hear some of his songs. It was very low, very mild Manilow, when all of a sudden, in the second cord when he sang “I made it through the rain” in a beat a bit higher her heartbeat which was being monitored played faster. I could see that as a sign that she was listening. I stopped the song and I started Singing one of her songs that she had especially made for my birthday when I turned nine yrs old and I never forgot about that. I could see a little smile coming from the left side of her lips. It was the affirmation I needed. That she was and will always be there for me as I so admired her soul to the bones!”
“you have the sweetest of all music in your soul just now.”
“One of poetry’s great effects, through its emphasis upon feeling, association, music and image — things we recognize and respond to even before we understand why — is to guide us toward the part of ourselves so deeply buried that it borders upon the collective.”Staying Human: Poetry in the Age of Technology”
“إن الحرف المخطط ليس كلياً حرفاً، إنه بالأحرى شئ يتموضع بين الكتابة والموسيقى”
“The music lets me see the story but the story doesn’t let me write the words.”
“I would say that music is the easiest means in which to express, but since words are my talent, I must try to express clumsily in words what the pure music would have done better.”
“If we can write or sing or create in some way, even when we are dealing with difficulties or pain, then it becomes something bigger than ourselves — and often beautiful.”
“Music is the fastest motivator in the world.”
“My heart’s been broken in a thousand pieces I’ve lived and died a thousand times And in each of those lifetimes With all of those pieces I chose you…A million times.”
“Faith, thought Eszter . . . is not a matter of believing something, but believing that somehow things could be different; in the same way, music was not the articulation of some better part of ourselves, or a reference to some notion of a better world, but a disguising of the fact of our irredeemable selves and the sorry state of the world, but no, not merely a disguising but a complete, twisted denial of such facts: it was a cure that did not work, a barbiturate that functioned as an opiate.”
“Producers problems is in need of vocalist and Vocalist problems is in need of a Studio.”
“There’s no better place to find yourself that sitting by a waterfall and listening to it’s music”
“If poetry is an escape into the woods,then music is the journey back home.”