All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“Choose to consume technology ,but don’t be consumed by it. Most of us technology have already turned us into robots .We have no signs of being humans. We are heartless, We have no feelings, no shame, no remorse, no beliefs, no respect, no guilty conscious, no life, no sympathy, no care, no time , no morals, no culture, no religion , no faith. We don’t value others people. We cyber bully others and do disguising inhuman things for trends. Pride ourselves in destroying others lives, careers, education, relationship, marriage, future. The things we do for retweets, likes and comments are shocking. Choose to be a better human being than being a Bot.”
“She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, except that she knew that if she fooled around for long enough, without fretting, or nagging herself, she’d find out.”
“I’m not really religious, but I feel blessed.”
“- You shouldn’t flaunt your cross. I think religion it’s a deeply personal thing.- Do you think boobs and ass are not personal things? People consider ordinary displaying them.”
“Dreams Vs NightmaresOur dreams are a reflection of what we can see in our future.Our nightmares are a reflection of our fears about our life as it stands now, and how we assume our future will turn out.”
“When you do exams, always remember the order in which to do the questions.1 – easy questions, first2 – medium questions, next3 – hard questions, lastIf you do it in any other order, you run the risk of running out of time.”
“GOODNIGHT!When flowers dance, dreams are filled with love, smiles, and a desire to laugh out loud.”
“You can never have too much sky . You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad.”
“Life!Even though it’s black and white, it’s still fairly colorful.”
“فكل من هؤلاء الفلاسفة يعبر عن الوجودية بصورة مختلفة لكنهم كلهم متفقون على إن الفكر المجرد يقود إلى شيء فظيع في مختلف المجالات. بما في ذلك مجال المعرفة. ففي رأي هؤلاء المفكرين أن المعرفة التي نصل إليها بفكرنا هي النظريات والقوانين الرياضية التي تجعل الإنسان مجرد اّلة. لكنهم يأملون أن يصلوا إلي نوع من الاختبار الصوفي العلوي الغامض الذي يختلف عن الفكر المجرد ويؤدي إلي الكليات.”
“Black and white is the new color in town.”
“The verdict of the coroner’s inquest had been that Adrian Finn (22) had killed himself ‘while the balance of his mind was disturbed.’ I remember how angry that conventional phrase made me: I would have sworn on oath that Adrian’s was the one mind which would never lose its balance. But in the law’s view, if you killed yourself you were by definition mad, at least at the time you were committing the act. The law, and society, and religion all said it was impossible to be sane, healthy, and kill yourself. Perhaps those authorities feared that the suicide’s reasoning might impugn the nature and value of life as organised by the state which paid the coroner? And then, since you had been declared temporarily mad, your reasons for killing yourself were also assumed to be mad. So I doubt anyone paid much attention to Adrian’s argument, with its references to philosophers ancient and modern, about the superiority of the intervening act over the unworthy passivity of merely letting life happen to you.”
“Everything that is, must appear, and nothing can appear without a shape of its own; hence there is in fact no thing that does not in some way transcend its functional use, and its transcendence, its beauty or ugliness, is identical with appearing publicly and being seen. By the same token, namely, in its sheer worldly existence, every thing also transcends the sphere of pure instrumentality once it is completed.”
“How old would you be if you did not know your exact age?”
“When the sky explodes, trees will be left standing on their head, and you shall marvel at the color of their sorrow as you gaze up at the sky above.”