All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“To lovers out there…Love yourself before you love someone else.There is nothing more hard in life than loving someone who doesn’t love themselves. Self love is important before any love.”
“True siblings are bound together by far more essential things than blood, while more times than many blood isn’t thicker than water.”
“Contentment and inner peace is a vibrational alignment with Universe and the ultimate key to unlock our conscious.”
“Unhinge your ego, open your arms to Love and let life’s spirit flow through your heart.”
“I am learning to see. Why, I cannot say, but all things enter more deeply into me; nor do the impressions remain at the level where they used to cease. There is a place within me of which I knew nothing. Now all things tend that way. I do not know what happens there.”
“When you look deeply into yourself you may be able to see that there is, in this moment, a quality of aliveness that is animating you that is not philosophical and is not abstract. It’s independent of what you think about it, what you believe about it and what you feel about it. It’s always there! it is animating your breath, It is coursing the spirit, it is what makes it possible for you to think and speak and see and hear. This is the Invisible Touch.”
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. LISTEN. Listen to silence, it has so much to say. Let silence take you to the core of life.”
“Bir şey də aydındır: Dünyada insanı sevdirən, yalnız məhəbbətin gücüdür.”
“Bizdə ilk təəssürata meyil olduqca güclüdür, buna görə də doğruya oxşamayan nə varsa hamısına inanmağa hazırıq, bu təəssürat bizdə dərhal kök salıb qalır, vay o adamın halına ki, bunu çıxarıb atmağa və kökündən yox eləməyə təşəbbüs edə!”
“Choose to consume technology ,but don’t be consumed by it. Most of us technology have already turned us into robots .We have no signs of being humans. We are heartless, We have no feelings, no shame, no remorse, no beliefs, no respect, no guilty conscious, no life, no sympathy, no care, no time , no morals, no culture, no religion , no faith. We don’t value others people. We cyber bully others and do disguising inhuman things for trends. Pride ourselves in destroying others lives, careers, education, relationship, marriage, future. The things we do for retweets, likes and comments are shocking. Choose to be a better human being than being a Bot.”
“She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, except that she knew that if she fooled around for long enough, without fretting, or nagging herself, she’d find out.”
“I’m not really religious, but I feel blessed.”
“- You shouldn’t flaunt your cross. I think religion it’s a deeply personal thing.- Do you think boobs and ass are not personal things? People consider ordinary displaying them.”
“- Your opinion has not been asked for. You have bad taste. Go and write your airport novels.- So you have good taste and a bad attitude? Well, go and enjoy your taste of shit.”
“Taste without truth is tasteless.”