All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“In your name, the family name is at last because it’s the family name that lasts.”
“While many explorers like to endure hardship by traveling to remote inhospitable parts of the world, I prefer to explore from the comfort of my own home.”
“Failure is when you stop trying to do something.So, if you want to succeed.Don’t stop trying.”
“I long for the slightest evidence of it that doesn’t require me to relinquish reason, because a natural mystery and reason to face it make the happiest combination of all.”
“Inspiration comes from not only within ourselves, but also from watching life around us.”
“Nothing’ isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just… nothing.” Arya Stark”
“When you are able to love yourself deeply, you can be kind to others.”
“How many of us have lately taken the time out to look at the sky; marvel at the clouds; smell the flowers; or smelt the fresh scent of rain; bought a stranger a cup of tea or coffee; given our time to help another; or just taken time out to sit and watch people rush hither and tither; said “I love you”; smiled at a complete stranger; joined in with kids from the street to play a game?Sadly, I would have to say….not many.It’s sad….”
“UNDIVIDEDI am for One world undivided. One world without fear and corruption. One world ruled by Truth and Justice. I am forOne peaceful world for all,Where hate has been overcome by love,And everyone is guided only By their conscience.”
“In the summer, we write life’s summary with the slow waves of love flowing over the sandy beach. The slow breeze and the warm sun write our memories.”
“Wenn man nachts nicht schläft, werden Träume wahr.”
“On ne peut opposer absraitement le spectacle et l’activité sociale effective.”
“Jigga, Kells, Not Guilty”
“All I’m trying to say is that if you’re not willing to observe this, if you’re just going to condemn it, you’re never going to see it. It’s there, whether you like it or not. This is stupid life-force we’re dealing with here,” he said. “Think how old it is, Jim. Think how huge it is. Understanding it doesn’t make any difference.”
“La prueba de ausencia no es prueba de ausencia”