“If a relationship lasts longer than 7 years, you are no longer girlfriend-boyfriend. You are family.”

“At the point where he, today’s Ivan Ilyich, began to emerge, all the pleasures that had seemed so real melted away now before his eyes and turned into something trivial and often disgusting.And the further he was from childhood, the nearer he got to the present day, the more trivial and dubious his pleasures appeared. It started with law school. That had retained a little something that was really good: there was fun, there was friendship, there was hope. But in the last years the good times had become more exceptional. Then, at the beginning of his service with the governor, some good times came again: memories of making love to a woman. Then it became all confused, and the good times were not so many. After that there were fewer still; the further he went the fewer there were.Marriage. . .an accident and such a disappointment, and his wife’s bad breath, and all that sensuality and hypocrisy! And the deadlines of his working life, and those money worries, going on for a year, two years, ten, twenty – always the same old story. And the longer it went on the deadlier it became.’It’s as if I had been going downhill when I thought I was going uphill. That’s how it was. In society’s opinion I was heading uphill, but in equal measure life was slipping away from me…And now it’s all over. Nothing left but to die!”

“Expressing authentic appreciation doesn’t cost you anything and the outcomes are simply wonderful.”

“Guard your heart, mind and time. Those three things will determine the health of everything else in your life.”

“Having a fine relationship is good, but its absence doesn’t nullify your success in life. You shouldn’t be in it as a result of societal pressure, neither should you be ridiculed because you’re not in it. It’s an act of idiocy to place so much value on marital status when there are other better things to catch up with.”

“Sound body, serene mind, smiling face and sensible society is enough to live a satisfying social life.”

“If we change our station in life, people’s attitudes towards us may change. True, but the people who genuinely love us, care about us and want the best for us will be happy for our success.”

“Its proved by time , that if you ever add a EGO in any relation, suddenly that relation will disappear form your life for forever.”

“Parla abbastanza a lungo con qualcuno e tirerà fuori la storia del tempo. Ma il tempo non guarisce veramente le ferite, non allontana affatto il dolore – fa il contrario. Il tempo dà altro tempo alla ferita d’infettarsi e dà a noi il tempo di tornare sui luoghi di quel dolore.È come l’infanzia, in fondo. Si dice che si cresce, ci si lasciano alle spalle certe cose, ma non è così: l’infanzia cresce insieme a noi, ce la portiamo avanti. Viviamo e non facciamo altro che rivivere quelle paure e quei piaceri, quelle scoperte e quegli abbandoni. Specialmente quegli abbandoni. Veniamo abbandonati, delusi, traditi dalle stesse persone per anni – per sempre. Allora a che serve dire che è passato del tempo?In che modo dovrebbe aiutarci?”

“Centuries telescoped into one evanescent moment. History was wrong-footed, caught off guard. Sloughed off like an old snakeskin. Its marks, its scars, its wounds from old wars and the walking backwards days all fell away. In its absence it left an aura, a palpable shimmering that was as plain to see as the water in a river or the sun in the sky. As plain to feel as the heat on a hot day, or the tug of a fish on a taut line. So obvious that no one noticed.”

“All these openings for closeness–all these humans with their disappointments and their desperate hearts, but it’s so much easier, so convenient, to blame emotional distance on a lack of time.”

“Time and distanceBoth illusions of the mindNo beginnings, no ends”

“Who knew those detached wordscould conjure silent vows― flaming―fide et amor nothing lasts forever―”

“I could tell you of occasionally, every eon, meeting a person, with whom I might stay for a billion years. But what of it? After a billion years there is nothing left to say, and you wander apart, uncaring in the end.”