“Every flower and insect, every bird, and all the creatures that live upon the land and swim within the rivers and seas, are part of the Tree of Life. You are connected to the whole of life. Whatever happens to the myriad forms of life in the world around you, has a direct affect on you”.”

“The Universe is continuously emerging as a fresh creation at every moment. All point to this same, extraordinary insight. The Universe is not static, nor is its continuation assured. Instead, the Universe is like a cosmic hologram that is being continuously upheld and renewed at every instant.14 A universal encouragement found across the world’s wisdom traditions is to live in the ‘NOW.’ This core insight has a clear basis in physics: The present moment is the place of direct connection with the entire Universe as it arises continuously. Each moment is a fresh formation of the Universe, emerging seamlessly and flawlessly.”

“You are a point of consciousness within multiple fields of consciousness that interpenetrate each other: A multi-dimentional being within a multi-dimentional Universe.When you realise the unity of all these fields of consciousness you share life with, you partake in conscious communion”.”

“I’ve realized people can live in a world they’ve personally constructed through a distorted lens of guilt and shame, whether they deserve it or not.”

“As the Divine within us tunes into the Divine the world over, it makes it impossible for us to exploit it continuously. But only to nurture, sustain and love it.”

“When people encounter you, let them taste your eternal destination, be a glimpse of heaven!”

“Have you had enough of subjugating your needs and desires to the needs and desires of others? Are you ready to own your power unapologetically? Are you up for the challenge of starring in your own life? Yes? Wonderful!”

“Neither to heaven nor to hell, my journey is towards my home.”

“The division between the known and the unknown is not complete. The East has a threefold division—known, unknown, unknowable. It agrees with the West that the unknown can become known, but the unknowable will always remain unknowable. There will always be mystery around human consciousness. There will be always mystery around love, friendship, meditation, consciousness. We may be able to know all that is objective. But the subjectivity, the innermost core of human consciousness, will remain always a mystery. And this has been the persistent effort of the East, to make it clear to the whole world that the unknowable should not be denied; otherwise you will take all juice out of human life. You will create robots out of human beings, you will destroy them, and they will be just machines and nothing more.”

“A spiritual practice is anything that makes you feel more beautiful inside you.”

“What you breathe in this world may shape you.”

“What if we are all temples for the presents and presence of divine delight to shine through?”

“There were so many times along that path when the voice within, felt compelled, to ask me whether my existence had any value; whether my life had any purpose or meaning”

“The weak or the majority choose comfortable chaos, the wise man laughs.”