“I rather be wrong sometimes than being fouled by others all the times”

“Will it take the death of me to finally learn that the things that I describe as success may very well be the death of me?”

“People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.” – Thomas Merton. What do you want to see when you reach the top of the ladder?”

“Philosophy of mind is more important for success and happiness than ambition, education, or status.”

“Some of the people who we envy for having something we lack envy us for lacking something they have.”

“Believe in yourself, Give your best to everything and know that your one failure is not final.”

“I see many more successes and wins from those working to be better over those trying to be the best. Remove the hype, the hate and the ego in your growth to truly grow to your potential and beyond. Stop subscribing to the idea that you have to be the best.”

“Think about your future in a positive way and you will move towards your goals.”

“Success isn’t important. What’s important is that one is happy and doing things one enjoys.”

“Success doesn’t lead to happiness. Happy people are more successful. Therefore happiness is not a result to be attained through action, but a fact to be realized through knowledge.”

“Many Western readers act offended by the mention of war in the Bible, yet celebrate the stratagem of war taught by Sun Tzu as though it is the original book on leadership and success. The Bible, of course, was written over a 1000 years before Sun Tzu was born.”

“Self-affirmation is the line drawn between success and failure”

“The ultimate goal is the goal to succeed.”

“If You… say the same things as everyone else… share the same links as everyone else…post the same quotes as everyone else… and put up the same pictures as everyone else…Why should anyone think you are any different than everyone else?You have your own creativity. You have your own story.Stop trying to tell another person’s story and start engaging people with yours.”

“As material items can still leave us feeling unfulfilled, perhaps a better gauge of success is simply happiness, finding enjoyment in what we do.”