All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Achieving something gives you a sense of fulfillment; so, create your own happiness by following up on your passions and achieving them.”
“Purse your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”
“A professor once told me: Sir, you are insane! In which I replied: Sir, I am just eccentrically very normal !”
“Gossip is the biggest hindrance to building trust and productivity in organizations across America.”
“A person can influence a situation or the situation can influence a person.”
“True education fills hearts with wisdom and kindness.”
“Amplify with your authority instead of shouting publicity. A sell only goes so far. Your experience, knowledge and authenticity have the endurance to engage and sustain a connection.”
“Knowledge will act as power, but you gain wisdom with experience.”
“Your past, including your failures, simply offers feedback that makes you wiser and stronger than before.”
“Success is not synonymous to stress, but to happiness. So, be happiness oriented.”
“To be a success, think of happiness.”
“Sometimes the things we do second time around are better and hold more value because we take the time to reflect and review, and revive them through a higher love. Don’t be afraid to try again and do-over with greater wisdom, a fresh set of eyes, and a renewed hope. Life is not a straight line of first time successes. It’s the road that is paved with failure and seemingly wrong turns that provides us with character, emotional grit and inner muscle to find new perspectives. The only expiry date to your dreams, intentions or goals is the one you allow to soak into your soul.”
“Success is important, but the journey towards happiness is most important in life.”
“The most important goal of education is to pursue the ultimate purpose of life, to achieve success with happiness.”