“To truly be satisfied in life, you must invest your time into doing what you were born to do instead of wasting your time trying to impress a boss or a company doing a job that you were not born for.”

“When you understand that through the power of conversion in solitude you can become great, so many things you’ve been wasting your time on will no longer interest you. You will even run away from some friends.”

“The only way to saturate the earth with your products like Steve Jobs is to invest your time doing what you were born to do.”

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd.”

“Years vanish. Months collapse. Time is like a tall building made of playing cards. It seems orderly until a strong gust of wind comes along and blows the whole thing skyward. Imagine it: an entire deck of cards soaring like a flock of birds.”

“Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions. Your life keeps diminishing while you waste your time feeding your distractions.”

“How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected.”

“And the only thing I knew how to do was to hold on as tightly as possible and count every single second until I reached the last one. The one I dreaded most.Sudden, violent, final.The end.”

“Run! Go perfect your crafts. Run! Go use your creativity.”

“Make time to study the Holy Scripture.”

“We give up on life so easily. It’s time we stopped and started fighting for it!”

“Time: the Ever-flowing pen of God.”

“Pretože človek je nekonečný, milé dievčatko, a všetko je v ňom, aj čas, všetko môže začínať odznova, keď má na to dôvod, človek znova vytvorí pojem času, urobí si iný čas, ktorý má inú platnosť a zákon pre svet a ľudské duše, než aký zákon a platnosť ma kalendárny, gregoriánsky čas. (Esterina pozostalosť)”

“Within her simple, terrified mind, swift calculations of distance and speed were at work, and her face advertised the disappointing results.”

“Loving self and others is an every second of every day of every week, of every month, of every year gift that should not be taken for granted or withdrawn for petty arguments and misunderstandings. No one knows the day nor the hour that we or a loved one will meet our expiration here on this earth. Time to make time to heal, amend and/or forgive broken relationships, to live your dreams without regret and love like there is no tomorrow for when tomorrow is no longer there…memories will be great and consciences will be clear.”