“To choose not to be part of a team or religion does not make me non-religious; for my religion is Truth and I am very much in love with God. I do not need to align myself with a specific messenger if I already understand God’s message. And the way I think is not considered ‘New Age’, since common sense is not new. So long as you act and speak with love and truth in you, and are good to your fellow man — in that you treat everybody as you would want yourself to be treated, your heart will stand by God regardless of the label you have assigned to your mind.Someone once said to me, “With all the religions in the world, they can’t all be right.”And I replied, “Well they can’t all be wrong either.”

“Could error arise from a true demonstration, and falsehood proceed from duly verified authority? In no domain could this easily happen, and when dealing with religious faith it could not happen at all. To say that religious faith is legitimate as a means of knowledge is to say that it is divine; for it has no value for those who proclaim it except what it derives from this transcendent origin.To say, on the other hand, that the use of the reason is legitimate and necessary, is to take the same thing as understood; for reason has no authority except as far as it represents the eternal order, that is to say, God once more. How could God be divided against Himself, teaching by revelation what He contradicts by the intelligence, and setting up in opposition to each other as two manifestly hostile things on the one side the Gospel, on the other the book of nature and of humanity, when these volumes, which we want to distinguish, are really the three volumes of one work?If the Gospel be properly understood—the living Gospel, I mean, such as the Church offers it—it cannot contradict nature, nor man, nor, consequently, that science which expresses them both. If science is in its own domain and operates according to its law, it cannot contradict the Gospel.”

“One Man’s Lie is Another Man’s Truth.”

“Before you abandon your partner, ask yourself what is missing and see if you can reach down inside your own heart and bring it forth. Faith. Light. Unconditional Love. It is there, hiding perhaps underneath a dark historic shroud of anger, disappointment, shame or resentment. You will find the hidden treasure if you want to. It is all inside of you.”

“But which one is right? The real gods? The truth?’ I asked.Balthazar smiled gently, as if speaking to a very slow child. ‘That is not for us to judge. Each of us believes what seems true enough to him, and allows others the same luxury. Who can know what happened in the dim dawn of the world? We can barely decide what to have for breakfast without a theological debate – the Nurian law is polite disagreement. We do our best with how the world appears to our own eyes.”

“Captivated by the Truth of God, the witness must only declare the wonderful works of the Holy One.”

“Would that I had the courage to depart, this place or this life, or to stand openly against the wrongness that is the world of these, my kin. To seek an existence that does not run afoul to that which I believe, and to that which I hold dear faith is truth.”

“He wondered if there were other places in the universe where the rules of the living did not require feeding on each other – where wonder could be discovered without horror and learning the truth did not entail losing one’s faith.”

“Anyone claiming certainty about life, truth, creation, or purpose of the Universe, is either ignorant or unfit to comprehend the implications of the presented dilemmas.”

“A true scientist is aware that ultimately we cannot be absolutely sure about anything.”

“Once you being defensive in your answer. Just know there is the truth in the question you have been asked, or there is truth in what they are saying to you.”

“Knowing the truth is never about faith. It is about remembering, accepting, and, most importantly, it is about living. If we live as if we know there is more, then there will be more.”

“Putting time, energy, and effort into counterattacking your critics, giving rebuttals to bad reviews, or arguing with people who don’t like you or your business are all a big waste of time.”

“Don’t oversell what or where you are, especially in today’s industry. It is easier now than ever to be found out as a big-talking beginner or a liar. On the other hand, honesty is strength; use it.”