“The Devil is the arrogance of the spirit, faith without smile, truth that is never seized by doubt.”

“Seeing is not always believing, its the other way around. Believe and you will see.”

“Theism is a conclusion, so is atheism – none of these two conclusions is the product of serious investigation – one is born from the human’s primitive urge to believe, and the other is born from the human’s comparatively modern arrogance of radical reasoning. Neither of them truly wants to understand – rather both of them want to conclude on a matter that requires infinite patience, perseverance and naivety.”

“Because we are finite creatures who live in time, we cannot see things clearly. Be careful in judging others because the truth of their character and their situation may be hidden from your eyes. Only God knows the whole truth and only God knows the future. Don’t expect all the answers now, but be patient and trusting and seek to grow in love. Each act of love is one more step in the long journey to our true and only home, unity with God in eternity.”

“The testimony of God is true.”

“He knows her like man knows earth, touching the surface but unaware of her depth.”

“A wise person is the one who knows what he knows and what he does not know.”

“What is the Truth? Thy holy word, O God is the Truth!”

“Putting down the book, I said: “Listen, it revolts me to think that God sent His Son to say to us: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life,’ with the fine result then that all of us find ourselves in the situation of those blind men, each with a wretched little fragment of the truth in his hand, each fragment different from the others. We know the truth of the faith only by analogy, yes; but blind to this degree, no! It seems to me unworthy both of God and of our reason!” This unexpected theology based on elephants’ tails and backs did not completely convince my guest, but it shook him, making him say: “Well, nobody had ever said this to me!”

“Health, peace of mind, peak performance, and success in any area of life all depend upon doing the right thing at the right time, in harmony with the cycles of the Four Seasons.”