All Quotes By Tag: Wisdom
“Giving is the only way of taking part”
“Did you have a rough month? I did 🙁 but, you know what? There’s no time to dwell on a missed opportunity or worry about what I should’ve done or said, beating myself up & making myself miserable about my mistakes. That doesn’t work. So will take notes from that, put it behind me, move on & finish the year STRONG”
“Sometimes the only way to succeed is to fail backwards”
“Lifes like a painters palette, just when you’ve got everything worked out the colours change”
“One says the things which one feels the need to say, and which the other will not understand: one speaks for oneself alone.”
“When you can’t get what you want, get what you need”
“You can change your mind, don’t let your mind change you”
“If your dreams are to hard to achieve, just achieve”
“لو كان العقل على قدر كلام الرجل، لكان الثرثار أكبر الناس عقلاً، ولو كان العلم على قدر حفظ المسائل لكان التلميذ أوسع من أستاذه علماً، ولو كان الجاه على قدر الفضائل لما كان للأشرار نفوذ، ولو كان المال على قدر العقل لكان أغنى الناس الحكماء، وأفقر الناس السفهاء، ولو كان الخلود على قدر نفع الناس لما خلد السفاحون والطغاة وأكثر الملوك والزعماء.”
“Between natural ability and education choose natural ability, as it will keep you happy and will fetch you the glory sooner.”
“If you change who you are to suit other people, you may end up dressed for the wrong occasion”
“Your youth is certainly finished and old age has definitely arrived if you feel that you are losing enthusiasm, excitement and energy towards your dreams and goals.”
“Love will never let you down, if you don’t give it up”
“Compromise brings harmony to both, happiness to none.”
“Our ancestors have invented, we can at least innovate.”