“I went to interview a man with a high reputation for wisdom, because I felt that here if anywhere I should succeed in disproving the oracle and pointing out to my divine authority ‘You said that I was the wisest of men, but here is a man who is wiser than I am.’ Well, I gave a thorough examination to this person… and in conversation with him I formed the impression that although in many people’s opinion, and especially in his own, he appeared to be wise, in fact he was not. Then when I began to try to show him that he only thought he was wise and was not really so, my efforts were resented both by him and by many of the other people present. However, I reflected as I walked away: ‘Well, I am certainly wiser than this man. It is only too likely that neither of us has any knowledge to boast of; but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance. At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know… [A]s I pursued my investigation at the god’s command,… my honest impression was… that the people with the greatest reputations were almost entirely deficient, while others who were supposed to be their inferiors were much better qualified in practical intelligence.”

“If you don’t tell yourself the truth you’ll always be a liar.”

“Three things have a limited threshold:Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge –Are boundless.”

“Keep in mind my friend, if an answer is not rational, then it is not an answer, but a delusion.”

“Every plant, tree, and animal is a blessing and every person has a purpose for living. Courage, curiosity, and generosity produce noble spirits. Enduring life honorably results in wisdom. Knowledge passed down from one generation to the next along with humankind’s tradition of performing charitable and self-sacrificing deeds creates principled legacies for future generations to emulate.”

“Those who understand will understand.”

“Who sees the many and not the one, wanders on from death to death.Even by the mind this truth is to be learned: there are not many but only one. Who sees variety and not the unity wanders on from death to death.”

“I am pain stricken to say that, various “educational” institutions have adopted the medieval doctrine “fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom” as their motto. Let me tell you this, fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.”

“It is better to seek wisdom of God than human.”

“It takes wisdom, power and influence to be able to make a positive impact on what goes on in society and in the nation as a whole.”

“We ought to, as human beings, have the courage to seek a collective “truth” that benefits our species the most, and to accept that all of our doctrines and beliefs may just be incomplete. That we don’t know it all and that perhaps we never will. That others like us may have something to teach us, and we may have something to contribute to their communities. That communities, types of people, are divisions we’ve created for ourselves. That for all of what we know, the knowledge and wisdom that we have gathered in the few millennia may be a small fraction of what is there to be discovered, understood and applied.”

“An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”

“I was well-read but perhaps that only made me stupid.”

“True knowledge makes a man reject the wrong , by chosen what is right.”