Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
“It’s the first thing I tell my students: If you could understand, really understand, that no one needs to read your work, then your writing would improve vastly by the time we meet in this classroom again.”
“I’m always intrigued by the different ways people decide what to believe. I mean, look at this — they’re taken from all over the place. Celtic knots, Eastern philosophy, the New Age. Past and present collapsed into a buffet of equivalent options all in pursuit of the divine.”
“Truth is the same always. Whoever ponders it will get the same answer. Buddha got it. Patanjali got it. Jesus got it. Mohammed got it. The answer is the same, but the method of working it out may vary this way or that. (115)”
“Remember, we are our own griefs, my dear, we are our own happinesses and we are our own remedies.[An excerpt from “My friend, Abigail”]”
“It is difficult to write a paradiso when all the superficial indications are that you ought to write an apocalypse.”
“Love is not blind but if the heart has to choose between pain and loneliness, it will choose pain every time.”
“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between her work and her play; her labor and her leisure; her mind and her body; her education and her recreation. She hardly knows which is which. She simply pursues her vision of excellence through whatever she is doing, and leaves others to determine if she is working or playing. To herself, she always appears to be doing both.”
“God is my only leader. Truth is my only sword. Guided only by my conscience, I am a true citizen of the world.”
“Life comes from light: if we are under God’s shining light, life will be generated and the divine life will grow in us.”
“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
“A person obsessed with ultimate truth is a person asking to be relieved of money.”
“”You shouldn’t feel so bad about being afraid of so many things.” “Why not?” “Because if you weren’t afraid never ever, then you couldn’t be brave never ever.”
“Blessed are You God, ruler of the world, Who created man in wisdom and created within him numerous orifices and spaces. It is known and revealed before You that if one of them should open when it should close or one of them should close when it should open, it would be impossible for us to exist. Blessed are You God, Who heals all mankind and does wonders.”
“The point is, art never stopped a war and never got anybody a job. That was never its function. Art cannot change events. But it can change people. It can affect people so that they are changed… because people are changed by art – enriched, ennobled, encouraged – they then act in a way that may affect the course of events… by the way they vote, they behave, the way they think.”