“Go thy way to a woman with child, and ask of her when she had fulfilled her nine months, if her womb may keep the birth any longer within her.”

“My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.”

“En su habitación del hotel la muerte, desnuda, está delante del espejo. No sabe quién es.”

“I listen with attention to the judgment of all men;but so far as I can remember,I have followed none but my own.”

“Consider the difference between the first and third person in poetry […] It’s like the difference between looking at a person and looking through their eyes.”

“Killing is easy,” said Mo, “Dying is harder…”

“You will never be who you want to be, until you are happy with who you are.”

“Sometimes it’s the same moments that take your breath away that breathe purpose and love back into your life.”

“In 1965, a psychologist named Martin Seligman started shocking dogs.He was trying to expand on the research of Pavlov–the guy who could make dogs salivate when they heard a bell ring. Seligman wanted to head in the other direction, and when he rang his bell, instead of providing food, he zapped the dogs with electricity. To keep them still, he restrained them in a harness during the experiment. After they were conditioned, he put these dogs in a big box with a little fence dividing it into two halves. He figured if the dog rang the bell, it would hop over the fence to escape, but it didn’t. It just sat there and braced itself. They decided to try shocking the dog after the bell. The dog still just sat there and took it. When they put a dog in the box that had never been shocked before or had previously been allowed to escape and tried to zap it–it jumped the fence.You are just like these dogs.If, over the course of your life, you have experienced crushing defeat or pummeling abuse or loss of control, you convince yourself over time that there is no escape, and if escape is offered, you will not act–you become a nihilist who trusts futility above optimism.Studies of the clinically depressed show that they often give in to defeat and stop trying. . .Any extended period of negative emotions can lead to you giving in to despair and accepting your fate. If you remain alone for a long time, you will decide loneliness is a fact of life and pass up opportunities to hang out with people. The loss of control in any situation can lead to this state. . .Choices, even small ones, can hold back the crushing weight of helplessness, but you can’t stop there. You must fight back your behavior and learn to fail with pride. Failing often is the only way to ever get the things you want out of life. Besides death, your destiny is not inescapable.”

“Let the dead bury their dead, but while one has life one must live and be happy!”

“When you believe in yourself, you begin to use your energy to convert your time into concrete value chain”

“No one could rival Arthur Less for his ability to exit a room while remaining inside”

“Ik riep: “Doornroosje! Je bent ternauwernood meer van belang! Ternauwernood… Nog net wel. Nog niet helemaal niet. “Ik houd ternauwernood oneindig veel pijnlijk nauwgezet en desalniettemin niet voor herhaling vatbaar nog net wel van jou”, zei ik.En niet lang daarna:“Ik houd ternauwernood oneindig veel op zijn minst overdadig en onomkeerbaar pijnlijk nauwgezet bijna achteloos en desalniettemin niet voor herhaling vatbaar nog net wel van jou.”“Van wie?” (riepen de denkbeeldige meeuwen) “Van wie? Van wie?”“Van Doornroosje”, zei ik, buiten adem.”

“Freedom of religion is not enough; we need the extinction of it, because no one has turned to be a religious by their own choice.”

“Turn your pride into wisdom.”