Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“He wounds but he heals.”
“Surprise is where creativity comes in.”
“I don’t want to die without any scars.”
“Mental slavery is a cheap & easy to find addiction. Knowledge stimulates mental faculties immune system.”
“To turned away from the destruction in the wrong path of wickedness, one must possess the knowledge of the light in right path.”
“الحياة تعلمنا أفضل وأصعب دروسها فى اللحظة التى نطمأن فيها الى اننا تعلمنا كل شيء”
“People pontificate, “Suicide is selfishness.” Career churchmen like Pater go a step further and call in a cowardly assault on the living. Oafs argue this specious line for varying reason: to evade fingers of blame, to impress one’s audience with one’s mental fiber, to vent anger, or just because one lacks the necessary suffering to sympathize. Cowardice is nothing to do with it – suicide takes considerable courage. Japanese have the right idea. No, what’s selfish is to demand another to endure an intolerable existence, just to spare families, friends, and enemies a bit of soul-searching.”
“That which has died falls not out of the universe. If it stays here, it also changes here, and is dissolved into its proper parts, which are elements of the universe and of thyself. And these too change, and they murmur not”.”
“No. Don’t give up hope just yet. It’s the last thing to go. When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.”
“مهما كان توجهك في الحياة حاول في كل يوم أن تبذل القليل من الجهد لقراءة المقالات أو الكتب التي تخالفك الرأي وكل ما تفعله هو توسيع مدراكك وفتح قلبك أمام الجديد من الأفكار وسيقلل هذا الإنفتاح الجديد من التوتر الذي يسببه الإبتعاد عن وجهات النظر الأخرى وهذا التمرين بالإضافة إلى كونه شائقاً سوف يساعدك على رؤية البراءة في تصرفات الغير علاوة على مساعدتك في التحلي بالمزيد من الصبر كما سيزداد استرخاؤك وتصبح إنساناً أعمق فلسفة لأنك ستبدأ بإدراك المنطق وراء وجهات النظر الأخرى.”
“When two partners always agree, one of them is not necessary.” If there is some point you haven’t thought about, be thankful if it is brought to your attention.”
“There are some moments you feel like you’ll remember forever. Rare, still moments when everything is NOW, as if everything has been stopped and hushed so that you can take it all in. When things are just as they should be, and everyone is one your side, and the whole world makes sense […] Suddenly, there’s peace, perfection, happiness. In that one, tiny moment of time.”
“A progressive business advancement strategy enriches the businesses capacity to gain momentum in a hostile economy.”
“Believe is behold.”
“It’s when the heavens open up that raindrops fall to the ground showering everyone with love & kisses.”