“Sometimes, even to live is an act of courage.”

“Receiver:Speech discriminates between listening ears even if sound does not.”

“I once told someone not to go into business with someone, and a year later, after he didn’t listen, he was bankrupt and near divorce. I once told a popular actress, who everyone constantly praised, to not join a certain group. A few years later, that group was accused of heinous acts, and that actress told me she wished she had listened to my advice. Her career tanked. I once told a popular musician to choose relationship over her career for this one person. She didn’t, and now 10 years later, she is still single, but her career tank. Her ex had moved on. I believe that I would be an oracle or seer if I lived during the Greek and Roman times. But then again, I believe my insights come from experience, clarity, and the understanding of humankind. And sometimes from a strong sense of knowing. – Strong by Kailin Gow on Following Your Guts, Strong Intuition”

“Look for a job you would take if you didn’t need a job.”

“If you can’t be advised you can’t advance”

“Why don’t I lose sleep over haters? Because I know that their hate for me is just an indication of a much bigger psychological issue. Haters are rarely better off than you personally or professionally… and if they were to just focus on their own life instead of mine, they would be so much better off. But that’s their problem; not mine. I’ll sleep fine and continue living my dream.”

“Breathe your way to a calmer, healthier, happier life. Heavily. Down the phone to a terrified woman.”

“Dance like no one’s watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, and suggestively fingerblast a cantaloupe on public transport.”

“you have to learn how to breathe with pieces of your heart piercing your lungs. trust somebody you shouldn’t, make a bad decision. but always learn from your mistakes. too many wrong moves will kill you.”

“if you love somebody, tell them. if you think somebody may need a friend, be that friend. you don’t want to be stuck in the aftermath of a tragedy, thinking, “oh, if only i’d said this. if only i’d done this.”

“11. there will be days where you look in the mirror and want to remold your body like clay, days where you may not even want to get out of bed. on those days, it’s okay to cry, to want to be different. but the next morning, remind yourself; you will be okay, you will be okay, you will be okay.”

“If You Have The Chance, Take A Step, If You Have The Opportunity, Build Your Dream,If You Have The Mind, Take Every Risk,If You Have The Spirit, Hold Your Faith,If You Have The Time, Prove Your Love,If You Have The Strength, Walk Alone, If You Have The Guts, Show Your Result;Truly, The Only Time We Have Is Now..”

“Fortune-telling and love-potions are not of much account, but old women are worth listening to.”

“Wisdom most of the time takes form of advice. ”