All Quotes By Tag: Change
“The difference between people is not in the salary they receive because salary could change”
“You can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future, but you can sure as hell contribute to the quality of your today.”
“I matter. My feelings deserve attention. My desires deserve fulfillment. My dreams count. I matter, not because I’m selfish, but because if I don’t value my body, mind, and spirit, the world will destroy me. And when I do value myself, I am indestructible.”
“O sucesso só é por inteiro quando não altera quem somos e não nos afasta dos nossos verdadeiros amigos.”
“Success is complete only when it does not change who we are and neither pulls us away from our true friends.”
“Every change requires a shaking”
“Conversion of time has changed the stories of businesses”
“You can change; you can become better”
“Our future success is directly proportional to our ability to understand, adopt and integrate new technology into our work.”
“Earlier adopters will be ultimate winners.”
“Since we live in a dynamic environment, changes will keep displacing us from our comfort zone. Every person, organisation and society faces challenges, how we deal with those challenges define our long-term success. Develop a breakthrough mindset that seeks solutions even in the time of adversity.”
“It’s all about Time, Demand & Change; So be the Demand with Change in Time.”
“How does one know you’ve “made it”?You no longer feel like you have anything to prove to anyone. You have no regrets or resentments from the past, anger that you’re working from. No people you want revenge on or songs you want to sing in order to finally speak your mind. Instead, you work from a place of wanting to do the work only, without any attachment to the outcome.”
“The life can always change for any of us, and the one who was on the bottom once might turn up on the top when you least expect it, and vice versa.”
“Yes, change can be scary, and yes change takes time, but with a firm foundation of positive life change in place, all possibilities and hopes can turn your life in a positive direction.”