“Only those who show up have a right to speak up.”

“Be happy just as you are. Don’t think you have to change a single thing about yourself.”

“The job of each generation is to solve more problems than they create and to lift up the next generation to be better than the last. Simply repeating the past does neither.”

“Get up off of your knees. Come out of your churches, your mosques, your temples. God can hear your prayers for peace, justice, and hope in this broken world just fine while you’re out creating peace, working for justice, and giving hope to this broken world. When are we finally going to realize that humanity is the solution to inhumanity? When will we finally understand that we are all drops of the same ocean, hurting together, healing together, hoping together? Don’t just pray for hands to heal the hurting. Pray with hands that are healing the hurting. Don’t just pray for arms to help the helpless. Pray with arms that are helping the helpless. Don’t just pray for feet to respond to need. Pray on feet that are responding to need. Don’t just pray for someone to do something. Be someone who does something. Don’t just pray for answers. Be the answer.”

“Compassion is of little value if it just remains an idea. It must motivate how we respond to others and be reflected in all our thoughts and actions.”

“We all have the power to make little choices that can change the course of our lives forever.”

“It’s a choice to put in the hours, go the extra mile, and do the things others aren’t willing to do.”

“We all deserve to experience genuine happiness and can easily do so.”

“Happiness is something that happy people are always looking to increase or amplify, while those lacking it are always trying to find.”

“If we never take any risks, we’ll never fully experience what life offers to us in its entirety.”

“Do you remember the last time you dreamed of changing a bit of the world?If you stopped doing it, you ‘re not young anymore, if you never did it, you never were.”

“That there is no truth and untruth. Is that the wisdom you gained?’ Sita asked sarcastically.‘Truth does not remain the same forever but keeps changing continuously—that is the wisdom I earned.”

“High and mighty guzzlers, and you, O all you precious pox-ridden—while you have the leisure and I have nothing else more important to do, let me ask you a question: why does everybody say, as if it were proverbially true, that the world is no longer flat? Understand, please, that “flat” here means “without zest, unsalted, insipid, washed-out”: taking it metaphorically, it signifies “crazy, foolish, senseless, rot-brained.” Would you argue, as indeed one might logically infer, that if we say that the world has been flat, now we have to say that it’s become wise? What was it that made it flat? Why was it flat? Why should it be wise? What do you think ancient stupidity was? What do you think constitutes our present wisdom? What made it flat? What has made it wise? Are there more lovers of flatness or more lovers of wisdom? Just exactly when was it flat? Just exactly when was it wise? Who’s responsible for that earlier flatness? Who’s responsible for that later wisdom? Why did that ancient flatness end right now, and not at some other time? Why did our present wisdom begin right now, and not sooner? What harm did our earlier flatness do us? What good is this new wisdom? How did we get rid of our ancient flatness? How was our present wisdom brought about?”

“Sometimes, changing just one thought, view, belief or behaviour can change your entire life.”

“True happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood, but not from hatred and division.”