“It is the people who are afflicted with ungodliness and injustice that would cry unto the Lord for change.”

“You may be the change and light needed by others, to shine on their path.”

“When it comes to change; feelings like frustrations, anger and irritations can easily be converted by each person to become a powerful force of change.”

“The law or any practice that is not for the good of the people must be changed.”

“You must not allow the hurt of the past to haunt or hinder you from fulfilling and performing your duties as one who has a passion to impact his society and make a change.”

“Whenever you are being insulted by ungodliness and injustice, endeavor to speak against it, endeavor to stand up against it, and expect to see change.”

“To be able to impact the society and to be an agent of change, you have to make yourself available to serve.”

“When everybody contributes a change to what he or she notices, it is then we will change our world.”

“It is the people that are angry at the status quo that makes a decision to bring change.”

“There is no one or group of people that would ever be free from bondage without making room for a change.”

“You can be in the vanguard of those that bring a change to the community and to the nation as a whole.”

“Fate doesn’t ask for your biodata to change your life forever.”

“We can only transform our lives by renewal of mind via renewed knowledge.”

“Dear Change,My fear of the unknown finally outweighed my fear of the familiar.”

“Don’t let fear interfere. It’s how you use your fear that counts. Don’t let it exhaust you -let it excite you. Change the narrative. You only get one life.”