All Quotes By Tag: Foolish
“Sometimes we can’t quite put our finger on something important because we’ve got our fingers wrapped around so many other things that are not important.”
“Sometimes we can’t quite put our finger on something important because we’ve got all of our fingers wrapped around a bunch of other things that are not important.”
“If I end up at the edge of this cliff one more time than the number of times I’ve walked away from it, I need to burn my map, trade in my compass and ask God for a new set.”
“If life has left me hungry, it’s probably not for lack of food. Rather, it’s likely because I’m eating the wrong food at the wrong table.”
“And when we stand in the middle of whatever wilderness happens to be ours, we look around and ask, what plan got us here and what plan will get us out? The former is likely the product of our ignorant contrivances, while the latter is a formulation of God’s phenomenal genius. And have we ever considered that we might be in the wilderness because we’ve confused the two?”
“I can ill-afford to turn the fickle propensity of my attitude into the rock hard conviction of a fact. For if my attitude is given that much room to run, it will run from the very ‘fact’ that it purports to be.”
“I can rush off a cliff or I can build a bridge across it. And if you look around, we seem to be awfully light on bridges these days because we’re incredibly limited on patience.”
“Far too often my priorities become the things that are right in front of me rather than being the things that create the foundation underneath me.”
“To abandon the past is to throw away all of the elements that will build my future. And that creates a landfill I can’t afford to fill.”
“The unwise hope for the best … and prepare for only the best.”
“There are two kinds of fools. One says, “This is old, and therefore good.” And one says, ” This is new, and therefore better.”
“He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder.”
“Being lost without knowing that we’re lost means that we have no idea that we need to be found. And if you have a hard time believing that that’s just about as lost as you can get, watch the news.”
“God in His omnipotence says, ‘Here it is.’ And we in our ignorance say, ‘No it’s not!’ And in the end there it was, and where it is we are not.”
“If it’s true what is said, that only the wise discover the wise, then it must also be true that the lone wolf symbolizes either the biggest fool on the planet or the biggest Einstein on the planet.”