“When the odds are impossible — do the impossible.”

“He possessed the logic of all good intentions and a knowledge of all the tricks of his trade, and yet he never succeeded at anything, because he believed too much in the impossible. Surprising? Why so? He was forever in the act of conceiving it!”

“Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don’t even dream of coming down.”

“It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement — that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.”

“But hoping,” he said, “is how the impossible can be possible after all.”

“If I see brokenness only as brokenness, I will have broken the opportunity in my brokenness. And that is the greatest brokenness of all.”

“Equality in happiness is, in the first place, impossible.”

“It’s when you’re in love, that nothing seems impossible anymore.”

“Did not learned men, too, hold, till within the last twenty-five years, that a flying dragon was an impossible monster? And do we not now know that there are hundreds of them found fossil up and down the world? People call them Pterodactyles: but that is only because they are ashamed to call them flying dragons, after denying so long that flying dragons could exist.”

“To jump over centuries In one step is impossible. Jump too high or far, You’ll be way too late.”

“Dare to be a fool in the face of impossibilities.”

“It’s the odd things in life that make you believe in God, Love, Beauty, and the Impossible.”

“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to hold or catch anything easily! If there were no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”

“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to hold or catch anything easily! If there was no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”

“Ah, it is impossible.””No, it is only very difficult – so very difficult that I shall be sure to accomplish it!”