All Quotes By Tag: Inspiration
“The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it.”
“Come to the edge.We might fall.Come to the edge.It’s too high!COME TO THE EDGE!And they cameAnd he pushedAnd they flew.”
“If I do not know the will of my Father, and what He requires of me in a certain transaction, if I ask Him to give me wisdom concerning any requirement in my life, or in regard to my own course, or that of my friends, my family, my children, or those that I preside over, and get no answer from Him, and then do the very best that my judgement will teach me, He is bound to own and honor that transaction, and He will do so to all intents and purposes.”
“If you are a Buddhist, inspire yourself by thinking of the bodhisattva. If you are a Christian, think of the Christ, who came not to be served by others but to serve them in joy, in peace, and in generosity. For these things, these are not mere words, but acts, which go all the way, right up to their last breath. Even their death is a gift, and resurrection is born from this kind of death. (157)”
“True beauty radiates not from outer cosmetics, but from the simple joy of making a difference for those that need your voice, passion, and time without expecting or wanting anything in return…”
“Without inspiration, we’re all like a box of matches that will never be lit.”
“No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.”
“Generasi kempong tidak punya waktu dan tidak memiliki tradisi untuk tahu beda antara kalimat sindiran dengan bukan sindiran. Tak tahu apa itu ironi, sarkasme, sanepan, istidraj … Generasi kempong sangat rentan terhadap apa saja, termasuk informasi … Tidak ada etos kerja. Tidak ada ideologi dharma, atau falya’mal ‘amalan shalihan … Yang dipunyai hanya obsesi hasil, khayal kepemilikan dan kenikmatan.”
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
“It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable, honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out into the world, but it is very possible to know how it has touched one’s self in going by.”
“The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on most choices you will lose.”
“You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained.”
“The death of a dream can in fact serve as the vehicle that endows it with new form, with reinvigorated substance, a fresh flow of ideas, and splendidly revitalized color. In short, the power of a certain kind of dream is such that death need not indicate finality at all but rather signify a metaphysical and metaphorical leap forward.”
“Don’t try to follow trends. Create them.”
“Do you wait for things to happen, or do you make them happen yourself? I believe in writing your own story.”