“1) I may lose something today, I may get anything else tomorrow. But, I can never lose and ever get one thing and thats ‘YOU’ So, be my friend forever!2) I CARE For U Bcoz You Are MY $weet……… friend for ever.3) Each day i meet some one new, But never find another u..The world is full of ppl its true,Yet no one ever equals a friend like you..4) A best friend is one who never get tired ,of listening to your pointless drama over and over again !5) Best friends have CONVERSATION impossible to UNDERSTAND for others.6) A good friend knows all your story , and a best friend has lived them with you.7) BEST FRIEND knows , how stupid you are, but still choose to be with you .8) BEST FRIENDS are like stars, you don’t always see them , but they are always there.9) You are my BEST FRIEND , my HUMAN DIARY and my OTHER HALF , you mean the WORLD for me.10) Best friends ,make the good time better and the hard times easier !!11) When destiny forget , to tie some people in relationship,it corrects its mistake by making them your best friends ..12) Best FRIENDS are like diamond , when you hit them they don’t break, they just slip away from your life.13) When I die, friends would come at my funeral, good friends would cry for me , but my BEST FRIEND would change my Whatsapp status ” Chilling WITH Jesus ”14) Weekly One Day Holiday, Monthly One Day Salary Day, Yearly One Day Birthday,Lifely One Day Death Day, But Sharing FRIENDSHIP with BEST FRIEND Is Every Day”

“I’ll never love you anymore than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than Ido, right this second.”

“You know if you would just do as I say I wouldn’t have to hurt you.”

“BREAKING NEWS: You’re awesome and designed for success; live this day accordingly!”

“Four times during the first six days they were assembled and briefed and then sent back. Once, they took off and were flying in formation when the control tower summoned them down. The more it rained, the worse they suffered. The worse they suffered, the more they prayed that it would continue raining. All through the night, men looked at the sky and were saddened by the stars. All through the day, they looked at the bomb line on the big, wobbling easel map of Italy that blew over in the wind and was dragged in under the awning of the intelligence tent every time the rain began. The bomb line was a scarlet band of narrow satin ribbon that delineated the forward most position of the Allied ground forces in every sector of the Italian mainland.For hours they stared relentlessly at the scarlet ribbon on the map and hated it because it would not move up high enough to encompass the city.When night fell, they congregated in the darkness with flashlights, continuing their macabre vigil at the bomb line in brooding entreaty as though hoping to move the ribbon up by the collective weight of their sullen prayers. “I really can’t believe it,” Clevinger exclaimed to Yossarian in a voice rising and falling in protest and wonder. “It’s a complete reversion to primitive superstition. They’re confusing cause and effect. It makes as much sense as knocking on wood or crossing your fingers. They really believe that we wouldn’t have to fly that mission tomorrow if someone would only tiptoe up to the map in the middle of the night and move the bomb line over Bologna. Can you imagine? You and I must be the only rational ones left.”In the middle of the night Yossarian knocked on wood, crossed his fingers, and tiptoed out of his tent to move the bomb line up over Bologna.”

“The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it.”

“As Aristotle said, ‘Excellence is a habit.’ I would say furthermore that excellence is made constant through the feeling that comes right after one has completed a work which he himself finds undeniably awe-inspiring. He only wants to relax until he’s ready to renew such a feeling all over again because to him, all else has become absolutely trivial.”

“As a man, I instantly became aware of the gold in her hair, her height measured against mine, and how easily she’d fit in my arms. ~Ren”

“Only God is awesome.”

“Do you find this…distracting?”

“Kaladin screamed, reaching the end of the bridge. Finding a tiny surge of strength somewhere, he raised his spear and threw himself off the end of the wooden platform, launching into the air above the cavernous void. Bridgemen cried out in dismay. Syl zipped about him with worry. Parshendi looked up with amazement as a lone bridgeman sailed through the air toward them. His drained, worn-out body barely had any strength left. In that moment of crystallized time, he looked down on his enemies. Parshendi with their marbled red and black skin. Soldiers raising finely crafted weapons, as if to cut him from the sky. Strangers, oddities in carapace breastplates and skullcaps. Many of them wearing beards. Beards woven with glowing gemstones. Kaladin breathed in. Like the power of salvation itself—like rays of sunlight from the eyes of the Almighty—Stormlight exploded from those gemstones. It streamed through the air, pulled in visible streams, like glowing columns of luminescent smoke. Twisting and turning and spiraling like tiny funnel clouds until they slammed into him. And the storm came to life again.”

“There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.”

“It’s the imperfections that make things beautiful”