“Vivo sin vivir en mí… muero porque no muero. (I live without really being alive… I die because I am not dying.)”

“There is a truth in Schopenhauer’s view that philosophy is an organism, and that a book on philosophy, with a beginning and end, is a sort of contradiction. … In philosophy matters are not simple enough for us to say ‘Let’s get a rough idea’, for we do not know the country except by knowing the connections between the roads.”

“They [Nazi captors]had more liberty, more options to choose from in their environment; but he [Viktor Frankl] had more freedom, more internal power to exercise his options.”

“Kim olursak olalım, dünyanın hangi yerinde yaşarsak yaşayalım, ta derinlerde bir yerde hepimiz bir eksiklik duygusu taşımaktayız. Sanki temel bir şeyimizi kaybetmişiz de geri alamamaktan korkuyoruz. Neyin eksik olduğunu bilenimizde hakikaten çok az.”

“Life: It is better not to wrap philosophy around such an inconceivable evolving beautiful mystery. If based on perception, alone; whatever the conclusion – it is still guessing.”

“In a world of chance is there a better and a worse? We yield to a stranger’s embrace or give ourselves to the waves; for the blink of an eyelid our vigilance relaxes; we are asleep; and when we awake, we have lost the direction of our lives. What are these blinks of an eyelid, against which the only defence is an eternal and inhuman wakefulness? Might they not be the cracks and chinks through which another voice, other voices, speak in our lives? By what right do we close our ears to them?”

“I can chase you, and I can catch you,but there is nothing I can do to make you mine.”

“The last of the cherry blossom. On the tree, itturns ever more perfect. And when it’s perfect, it falls. And then of course once it hits theground it gets all mushed up. So it’s only absolutely perfect when it’s falling through the air,this way and that, for the briefest time!.!.!.”

“You have to be an artist and a madman…”

“Don’t dwell too much on the past. The lessons are useful for the present and a preparation for the future. Move on!”

“He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it.”

“We love ourselves notwithstanding our faults, and we ought to love our friends in like manner.”

“Raise a smile and lower stress”

“The awful thing is that if i can forget they’re people, it will be no different at all”