“To live greatly, we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility.”

“We cannot, after all, judge a biography by its length, by the number of pages in it; we must judge by the richness of the contents…Sometimes the ‘unfinisheds’ are among the most beautiful symphonies.”

“Slowly, with many lost days, I come back to life.”

“It is always betterto avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning.For every one of us, living in this worldmeans waiting for our end. Let whoever canwin glory before death. When a warrior is gone,that will be his best and only bulwark.”

“You can play it safe, and I wouldn’t blame you for it. You can continue as you’ve been doing, and you’ll survive, but is that what you want? Is that enough?”

“You should read something else.”Why would he have done that to him?”I don’t know,” she said.Do you ever feel like Job?”She smiled, a little twinkle in her eyes.Sometimes.”But you haven’t lost your faith?”No,” I knew she hadn’t, but I think I was losing mine.Is it because you think you might get better?”No,” she said,”its because its the only thing I have left.”

“The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.”

“After all, it’s all kinds of things that make up a life, right? The big, like falling in love and spending time with your family, and the little….like blow drying your hair, applying concealer, and cursing those magazine inserts. It all counts. It has to.”

“I never approve, or disapprove, of anything now. It is an absurd attitude to take towards life.”

“I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in the hopes of a happy ending, because there is no such thing as a happy ending. Do you know what I mean? There is so much to lose.”

“Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.”

“It is a very natural human trait to destroy that which frightens us.”

“I’m as cruel as life. As cruel as love.”

“The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.”