All Quotes By Tag: Nature
“This outlook, one that said that American history must be the history of nature speaking through men, not of men shaping nature, became the single most powerful force in American intellectual life in the nineteenth century and shaped some of America’s greatest works of literature, such as Moby Dick, Leaves of Grass and Walden, as well as generating an American school of philosophy , to be furthered by William James and John Dewey.”
“You are a point of consciousness within multiple fields of consciousness that interpenetrate each other: A multi-dimentional being within a multi-dimentional Universe.When you realise the unity of all these fields of consciousness you share life with, you partake in conscious communion”.”
“How do you translate a rainbow?With a smile of course!”
“Happiness is within without sadness….”
“There are no owners in nature.”
“Don’t be surprised when you open your crying eyes to the world before our heavenly sunrise, and it closes, shines those shut lids, blinds become eclipse realms I feel overwhelmed bywhat a surprise the final sunset lookslike deep inside your eyes closingthe line between hidden and revealedin the ink dripped seal”
“With the sentiment of the stars and moon such nights I get all the free margins and indefiniteness of music orpoetry, fused in geometry’s utmost exactness.”
“The mistake was to think that the hawks were flying under their own power, when in fact they were catching the updrafts created by nature’s power. Therefore, to truly rise is not a product of our own brute force wherein we create the power. Rather, it is a seasoned wisdom that knows where to find the power.”
“You don’t learn confidence, you remember it.”
“May we recognise the species of trees before we learn the symbols of corporations, may we learn the songs of the birds before the top 40. May we touch hearts before we touch screens.”
“People would rather prefer blaming their crimes on a third party than taking responsibility upon themselves… It is their nature.”
“The divine laws are quite simple – they state that every ending is the new beginning. This world isn’t ruled only by two forces – the Creation and the Destruction. The third force – Transformation – the force of Nature, exists too, and is, in fact, the blend of the other two.”
“Walk towards the garden of life and love. One day you will find flowers of joy are blooming with the fragrance of happiness”
“In my opinion, it was chiefly owing to their deep contemplation in their silent retreats in the days of youth that the old Indian orators acquired the habit of carefully arranging their thoughts.They listened to the warbling of birds and noted the grandeur and the beauties of the forest. The majestic clouds—which appear like mountains of granite floating in the air—the golden tints of a summer evening sky, and the changes of nature, possessed a mysterious significance.All of this combined to furnish ample matter for reflection to the contemplating youth.”
“With infinite wisdom and care your life is constantly sustained because Nature flows through you.”