All Quotes By Tag: Peace
“To be at peace with others you must be at peace with yourself.”
“People have been on earth in our present form for only about 100,000 years, and in so many ways we’re still ironing out our kinks. These turtles we’ve been traveling with, they outrank us in longevity, having earned three more zeros than we. They’ve got one hundred million years of success on their resume, and they’ve learned something about how to survive in the world. And this, I think, is part of it: they have settled upon peaceful career paths, with a stable rhythm. If humans could survive another one hundred million years, I expect we would no longer find ourselves riding bulls. It’s not so much that I think animals have rights; it’s more that I believe humans have hearts and minds- though I’ve yet to see consistent, convincing proof of either. Turtles may seem to lack sense, but they don’t do senseless things. They’re not terribly energetic, yet they do not waste energy… turtles cannot consider what might happen yet nothing turtles do threatens anyone’s future. Turtles don’t think about the next generation, but they risk and provide all they can to ensure that there will be one. Meanwhile, we profess to love our own offspring above all else, yet above all else it is they from whom we daily steal. We cannot learn to be more like turtles, but from turtles we could learn to be more human. That is the wisdom carried within one hundred million years of survival. What turtles could learn from us, I can’t quite imagine.”
“The formula of life is simple. It is the formula of giving – giving courage, attention, peace, love and comfort to yourself and the society.”
“The person who hurt you–who raped you or killed your family–is also here. If you are still angry at that person, if you haven’t been able to forgive, you are chained to him. Everyone could feel the emotional truth of that: When someone offends you and you haven’t let go, every time you see him, you grow breathless or your heart skips a beat. If the trauma was really severe, you dream of revenge. Above you, is the Mountain of Peace and Prosperity where we all want to go. But when you try to climb that hill, the person you haven’t forgiven weighs you down. It’s a personal choice whether or not to let go. No one can tell you how long to mourn a death or rage over a rape. But you can’t move forward until you break that chain.”
“Life may try to knock you down but be persistent with your passions – cultivate grit, resilience, tenacity and endurance success will come.”
“Never let anybody destroy your own ability to create happiness.Its the only thing that will let you succeed when you feel everything else has let you down.Peace and love.”
“True success is the soundness of being.”
“Pursue your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”
“There is no time for peace, yet there is plenty of time for a war.”
“Three things have a limited threshold:Time, pain, and death.While truth, love, and knowledge -Are boundless.Three things are neededFor humanity to co-exist:Truth, peace and basic needs.Everything else -Is irrelevant.”
“There is peace in the present when one’s aware of how to manage what works for them and what drains them with a calm mind.”
“Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this world but neither can undo the past. Only time will conquer time. The way forward is the only way back to innocence and to peace.”
“Nostalgia is a necessary thing, I believe, and a way for all of us to find peace in that which we have accomplished, or even failed to accomplish. At the same time, if nostalgia precipitates actions to return to that fabled, rosy-painted time, particularly in one who believes his life to be a failure, then it is an empty thing, doomed to produce nothing but frustration and an even greater sense of failure.”
“I believe from the bottom of my heart that what we call religion is the very most important matter for human beings. I cannot stress enough that the ultimate goal of religion, whether we call it satori or peace of mind, is for each individual to live in peace and tranquility, to live a full and satisfying life.”
“You have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:But I say to you, resist chaos with all of the passion of the Goddess:Create peace in the sacred places of the Earth;Revenge begats revenge; whosoever breaks the cycle of revenge is beloved of the Goddess.Find common ground with your adversary quickly,For whosoever shall create consensus is the beloved of the Goddess.”