“[Hurricane] Andrew tore trees apart; drove their shrieking limbs past our walls. All around us, it shoved huge deciduous behemoths flat to the earth, or tore them out by the roots.”I have never been able to say “No” to wonder. Wherever God stood naked, I wanted to crawl into the middle and gawk. Plus, I’d already lost everything I had built or wanted to live for when we’d left San Diego, and my marriage had become a long, aching death. I had nothing left. I had to touch God again at all costs….”… I ripped open the door, then had to shove my full weight into closing it behind me. Slamming and bucking against harsh unseen walls, waging war for every step, I crushed both hands into the railing, fought my way downstairs, past a pool already choked with roofing and with life torn apart. I bucked and strained my way out onto the street, deeper into the dark, vile heart of a hurricane. Gnashing hard into the storm, I leaned into winds that pummeled and slammed me about like a machete.”Inching and lunging across the intersection, where all but one streetlight had crashed to the pavement, I crushed my way through as that last light sparked and whipped overhead. Winds like that can drive a grain of rice through a concrete wall, so I wrenched a stop sign out of a tree and held it before me as a shield, slamming my way backward through an intersection of shattered glass and metal, out onto a golf course, where I screeched Hallelujahs no one could hear.”In that open field, that raging, shrieking fury slammed and wrenched the sign into my chest. For the first time in a long time, “I thanked God and prayed for survival.”I fought my way back home. The sign heaved at my face, sliced my hands open, and blasted away into the night.”There was no one left there but me, God, and His mighty, undeniable power.”- From “Entertaining Naked People”

“Dream big, dream fearless and dream beyond limits! Visualize it, Believe and Take Action!, Do not allow anything or anyone to hinder or limit you.Challenges come to strengthen you! No, it is not easy but worth it!”

“Everything begins with a choice; the kind of steps we take after the choice will determine and create our reality!”

“I may not always be at my best, but I thank God I now have the maturity, the wisdom, the power, and the strength, to not allow life’s situations or people, to have me at my worst.”

“Your personal writing can heal, grow, and transform your life. Give your words permission to change you.”


“If you skipped some chapters in a book it wouldn’t make much sense would it? Allow your story to unfold and connect as it should with faith that better chapters are ahead.”

“When a reader enters the pages of a book of poetry, he or she enters a world where dreams transform the past into knowledge made applicable to the present, and where visions shape the present into extraordinary possibilities for the future.”

“What is considered impossible is someone else’s opinion. What is possible is my decision.”

“Sometimes it is good to be in uncomfortable situations because it is in finding our way out of such difficulties that we learn valuable lessons.”

“The door wasn’t closing. Shiloh’s spirit opened up as she considered the possibilities.”

“Bad art has the power to deform a people just as good art generates new reflection, growth, vision, and hope.”

“Be a life-long learner. Whether you are seeking to achieve peace and harmony, learn a new technology to do your work faster, or design a strategy to blow your competitors out of the water, retraining is a pivotal way to strengthen your knowledge and realize your goals”

“Connecting with others gives us a sense of inclusion, connection, interaction, safety, and community. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you want to attract positive and healthy relationships, be one! Staying connected and getting reconnected feeds the flow of goodness which empowers our humanity.”