“Bir şey də aydındır: Dünyada insanı sevdirən, yalnız məhəbbətin gücüdür.”

“Bizdə ilk təəssürata meyil olduqca güclüdür, buna görə də doğruya oxşamayan nə varsa hamısına inanmağa hazırıq, bu təəssürat bizdə dərhal kök salıb qalır, vay o adamın halına ki, bunu çıxarıb atmağa və kökündən yox eləməyə təşəbbüs edə!”

“What are we doing to each other? Because I know that I am doing to him exactly what he is doing to me. We are sometimes so happy, and never in our lives have we known more unhappiness.”

“You like me not because I like you. I like you just because I like me.”

“Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other… I know I’ve spent each life before this one searching for you. Not someone like you but you, for your soul and mine must always come together.”

“It was stupid to hope, she knew. But sometimes hope was all you had.”

“If I breathe you in and you breathe me out, I swear we can breathe forever. I swear I’ll find summer in your winter and spring in your autumn and always, hands at the ends of your fingers, arms at the ends of your shoulders and I swear, when we run out of forever, when we run out of air, your name will be the last word that my lungs make air for.”

“AnatasiaYou Are My More My Love, My LifeChristian”

“I regret…” Tobias tilts his head, and sighs. “I regret my choice.””What Choice?””Dauntless,” he says. “I was born Abnegation. I was planning on leaving Dauntless, and becoming factionless. But I met her, and… I felt like maybe I could make something more of my decision.”Her.”

“I make love with a focus and intensity that most people reserve for sleep.”

“Soul meets soul on lovers lips.”

“I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you.”

“Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.”

“Whatever happened to the dragon?”I mustered my primmest tone. “He has a name, you know.”Adrian pulled back and gave me a curious look. “I didn’t know, actually. What’d you decide on?””Hopper.” When Adrian laughed, I added, “Best rabbit ever. He’d be proud to know his name is being passed on.””Yes, I’m sure he would. Did you name the Mustang too?””I think you mean the Ivashkinator.”He stared at me in wonder. “I told you I loved you, right?”Yes,” I assured him. “Many times.”