“Good fiction writers have an instinctive understanding of human nature. That’s what makes stories and characters captivating. Good spiritual writers share what they sincerely practice themselves.”

“When happiness pours out of your heart; good pours out into the world.”

“That (truth) which cannot be lived in daily life, cannot be true.”

“And we came to understand the cycle of creation, because our bodies repeat the rhythm of the moon.”

“I love our Lord with all my heart. But He wants me to love Our Lady in a special way and to go to Him with my hand in Mary’s. My affection for her is like that of a tiny child for its mother. You know, Nines, how a baby clings to his mother’s skirt when he is learning to walk? Well, that is the way Our Lord wants me to cling to Our Lady’s blue mantle.”

“I am like a deep, still mountain lake. The surface is a mirror that reflects the sky above. I await in tranquility for the breath of God to move across me.”

“Dream big, dream fearless and dream beyond limits! Visualize it, Believe and Take Action!, Do not allow anything or anyone to hinder or limit you.Challenges come to strengthen you! No, it is not easy but worth it!”

“What would you say to yourself if you could actually meet a younger you?”

“The physical world we live in is just the beginning.”

“مسئولیت زادۀ توانایی نیست، زادۀ آگاهی است و زادۀ انسان بودن.”

“انسان به میزان برخورداری هایی که در زندگی دارد، انسان نیست، بلکه درست به انداره ی نیازهایی که در خویش احساس می کند انسان است.”

“مذهب اگر پیش از مرگ به کار نیاید پس از مرگ به هیچ کار نخواهد آمد.”

“He knows all my thoughts. He knows all I’ve ever done and He loves me all the same. What is our purpose, you ask. It is to love like God.”