“Dive down into the deepest depth of your soul there you will find your ocean of wisdom.”

“At one point in your life you start to understand that all what really matters is the love you give and the love you receive.”

“Sometimes we forget to see the magic in the most simple things.”

“In a world full of automated responses be the one who responds personally!”

“Some fail because after they choose the direction for their careers, they spend too much time second-guessing their decision.”

“It’s time to respect yourself and your dream, both truly deserve that respect. be the person you would do anything for. Be the person you will not let down.”

“Don’t aim for perfection. Aim for ‘better than yesterday’.”

“Failure is the only damn way we learn. Have you failed? Yes. Will you fail more? All the time. And that’s the best thing that can ever happen to you. When you stop failing, you stop learning. And then you’re of no use to anyone.”

“When you are truly happy you will realise that there is nothing to prove to people.”

“Putting time, energy, and effort into counterattacking your critics, giving rebuttals to bad reviews, or arguing with people who don’t like you or your business are all a big waste of time.”

“Your volume speaks volumes. Be aware of your dynamics, your tones as well as the loudness and softness of your voice on the phone and in person.”

“Don’t oversell what or where you are, especially in today’s industry. It is easier now than ever to be found out as a big-talking beginner or a liar. On the other hand, honesty is strength; use it.”

“There is something you have that all of the most wildly successful people in our history have also had. Twenty four hours in a day.”

“If you are not presenting your message with confidence and self-belief, why should anyone have confidence or belief in your message?”

“You don’t need to look to other people to help you be successful. There’s only one place you need to look in order to find the validation and motivation you need to find success. The mirror.”