“A story can always break into pieces while it sits inside a book on a shelf; and, decades after we have read it even twenty times, it can open us up, by cut or caress, to a new truth.”

“After telling the hard facts to anyone from lover to friend, I have changed in their eyes. Often it is awe or admiration, sometimes it is repulsion, once or twice it has been fury hurled directly at me for reasons I remain unsure of.”

“Remember, any lie you are told, even deliberately, is often a more significant fact than a truth told in all sincerity.”

“Here are the Top Ten things that your parents say to you:-Is that all you’re going to do all day, sit in front of the computer?-When I was your age I had two jobs.-Why don’t you wear some clothes that fir for a change?-Turn it down. I can hear it all the way over here.-You’re not eating that for dinner.-Did you do your homework?-Stop mumbling and speak up.-Now what did you do?-Because I said so.-No.”

“Fifty percent of something is better than than one hundred percent of nothing.”

“There’s Only so much emotional super glue in a person’s soul, that everything just stays broken.”

“Pick a truth that blesses your life!”

“The books we love offer a sketch of a whole universe that we secretly inhabit, and in which we desire the other person to assume a role.One of the conditions of happy romantic compatibility is, if not to have read the same books, to have read at least some books in common with the other person—which means, moreover, to have non-read the same books. From the beginning of the relationship, then, it is crucial to show that we can match the expectations of our beloved by making him or her sense the proximity of our inner libraries.”

“Le vrai est trop simple, il faut y arriver toujours par le compliqué.”(“The truth is too simple: one must always get there by a complicated route.”)[Letter to Armand Barbès, 12 May 1867]”

“Very quickly, very suddenly, words fell through my mind. They landed on the floor of my thoughts, and in there, down there, I started to pick the words up. They were excerpts of truth gathered from inside me.”

“How would your life be different if…You could control the outcome of your day, your week, your year? Let today be the day…You embrace the truth that you DO have such control to label every event in your life, and create an agreement with reality that empowers you and propels you to greatness.”

“There can be many opinions on a thing, but there is only one truth.”Vashet smiled lazily. “And if the pursuit of the truth was my goal, that would concern me.” She gave a long yawn, stretching like a happy cat. “Instead I will focus on the joy in my heart, […}”

“You know the minute you stop thinking about it, it’ll happen.”

“Laws of nature have no physical properties of mass /energy. They are platonic truths in transcendent realm that create & govern the Universe.”

“It’s not in the book or in the writer that readers discern the truth of what they read; they see it in themselves, if the light of truth has penetrated their minds.”