“You have heard that it has been said,You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.But I say to you,Love your enemies,Speak truth to the liars,Bless them that curse you,Do good to them that hate you,This is what they least wish you to do;In this way you will overcome all oppression.”

“When facts are treated as if they were opinions, when there is no universal standard by which to determine truth in law, in science, in scholarship, or in the reporting of events of the day, the world becomes a place where lies become true, where people can believe what they want to believe, where there is no possibility of reaching any conclusion not predetermined by those who interpret the official, divinely inspired text.”

“The language of light can only be decoded by the heart. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them.”

“Science is a trigger of changes of civilization. Religion is the failsafe of science performance.”

“Man must learn to know the universe precisely as it is, or he cannot successfully find his place in it. A man should therefore use his reasoning faculty in all matters involving truth, and especially as concerning his religion. He must learn to distinguish between truth and error.”

“The better men know the Lord, the better may the eternal truths we learn be applied in our daily lives.”

“That which is true must always remain true, though the applications may change greatly from generation to generation. It is the absence of such fundamental certainties, no doubt, that leads men into continual search for a satisfying religion, or that drives them away from their old religion.”

“Being a real man is less about appearing strong and more about having the courage to influence a change in everyone around you.”

“To love unconditionally, is to live as free as a Monarch Butterfly in Spring.”

“Stop drowning your dreams by jumping into waters that you are unable to swim in.”

“Before you jump back up on that horse that threw you off, take a minute to figure out why you got tossed in the first place.”

“That (truth) which cannot be lived in daily life, cannot be true.”

“For a single thought to enter one must be aligned with its frequency. We overlook situations without seeking the cause, use the adversity to strengthen & heal the broken parts within yourself and you will outgrow the need to respond. Negativity is a choice, healing is a process.. learn the difference between the two.”

“My imagination keeps keeps me from actually doing anything stupid.”