“Love is an unbroken circle. Real love returns home, sometimes with familiar eyes, sometimes though a new soul.”

“Financing is not the finish line for success. It means you are ready to start the marathon with the backing of fiscal endurance. Failure is still an option if you do not spend wisely, allocate correctly and continue to budget effectively.”

“Between my head and my heart I found peace with the unacceptable.”

“Often wisdom comes from the unlikeliest places.”

“Without knowledge you cannot choose wisely. And without wise choice, there is no freedom.”

“Nobody will save yeu,Some can’t even save themselves”

“To always win, you always need to be hungry!”

“If you fight against the enemy of your enemy, you fight against yourself.”

“There’s no twice in once and forever.”

“Act with Peace in your heart, Love as a guide and Nature as a trustworthy friend.”

“He asked me: why you are not patient?; I answered: I am very patient, however I just in war against time!”

“He asked me: why you are not patient?, I answered: I am very patient just I am at war against time”

“The money that many think they are saving by not creating correct branding NOW, ends up costing them tenfold or more in the marketing and advertising LATER.A marketing plan without the right #brand blueprint will always cost more, take longer and tend to deliver subpar results compared to a well branded business.Build the foundation strong so that everything placed on top of it can be supported and set up to thrive and succeed.”

“At home, I have a poster on my wall of a rose that’s bleeding. Its petals are white, and red liquid oozes from its heart, thick and glistening warm. Only, if you look very close, you can see the droplets are coming from above, where a little girl’s wrist—camouflaged by a cluster of leaves—has been pricked by thorns as she reached inside to catch a monarch.I used to wonder why she risked getting sliced up just to touch a butterfly. But now it makes sense: she wanted those wings so she could fly away, because the pain of trying to reach for them was more tolerable than the pain of staying grounded, wherever she was.Today, I embrace that child’s perfect wisdom. What I wouldn’t give for a set of wings . . .”

“The devoured is a destroyer.”