“To abandon the past is to throw away all of the elements that will build my future. And that creates a landfill I can’t afford to fill.”

“True intelligence is knowing that wisdom comes from perceptions and experiences.”

“A calm despair, without angry convulsions or reproaches directed at heaven, is the essence of wisdom.”

“True education fills the heart with wisdom and kindness.”

“People would rather prefer blaming their crimes on a third party than taking responsibility upon themselves… It is their nature.”

“The divine laws are quite simple – they state that every ending is the new beginning. This world isn’t ruled only by two forces – the Creation and the Destruction. The third force – Transformation – the force of Nature, exists too, and is, in fact, the blend of the other two.”

“Large or small, I always have a choice. But I also have a choice to think that I don’t have a choice.”

“Every problem enters your life with an unforgettable gift, the gift of courage and wisdom. It gives you courage and wisdom when you face it. So don’t fear a problem, just face it.”

“I don’t know all the answers, only idiots think that they have all the answers. All I do, is try to understand.”

“One who learns from scholars is intelligent, one who learns from fools is wise.”

“The unwise hope for the best … and prepare for only the best.”

“Loving others with kindness is the greatest wisdom.”

“Life gives every body a second change: It’s called to….grow!Some bodies (or buddies) grow up, others, to the side, but we will all fall down, after”

“When the body is in its rightful mode, it is silent. We feel neither well nor sick, healthy nor unhealthy. The body becomes the quiet, perfectly functioning tool by which God uses us in this life. Your body can be well just as easily as sick. Your life can be harmonious and glad just as easily as it can be tormented and dramatic. Choose carefully. And if you have chosen unfortunately then choose again.”

“A wise man never regrets the questions he asks. Only the ones he didn’t ask.”