Min-Quotes: Motivational, Famous and Inspirational Quotes Collection
“I used to believe that I could do everything and be everywhere. I could work longer hours, make the dead line, cook delicious meals, play with the kids, get enough sleep, focus on my health. And I can absolutely can do all these things. But not at the same time. Not on the same day.Realizing that was a delightful freedom. Letting go of that notion of constant balance was releasing a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. You mean I don’t have to be everything to everyone all the time? I don’t have to keep all the balls in the air all the time? I can change balls? I can choose different balls? Balance is finding the correct weight for every area of life and understanding that the correctness of that weight will change over time. Balance is fluid and flexible. Balance is alive and aware. Balance is intention. This idea of balance- a correctness rather than an equalness has taught me some of the most important lessons of my life.- I can not be everything to everyone- I can not be in all places at once.- Saying yes to one thing means saying no to another.- Saying no to one thing means I can say yes to another.- Perfection doesn’t exist. Let it go.- I can not change people- I have to stop comparing myself to others. They aren’t me. I’m not them.- I will never finish the laundry- I can’t control everything- Bad things happen to good people and vice versa.- My kids aren’t me.- Being all in a moment means I’m all out of another.- Envy and jealousy are different things.- Achievements never look like I thought they were going to.- Being kind to others is addictive.- I can’t always be self- possessed.- Sometimes I need a cheerleader.- I like being part of a community.- Asking for help is hard, but necessary.Embrace the wobbly balance.”
“It would still be a long way until she was completely free, but the door had been cracked open and a smidgen of hope broke through the darkness.”
“The people are like an audience watching a drama. They have characters whose sides they chose even before the start of the show, but they know little or nothing about the people behind the stage―the manipulators.”
“The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”
“To become and unbecome lies in your hand, your willpower defines how far.”
“Knowledge is the ultimate weapon. It always has been.”
“The sky is blue everywhere.”
“God created philosophy for all the intellects that got bored of hearing the same bible stories every Sunday.”
“We have a saying in Vaan,” Byern replied.”In every breath, hope abides.”(…)”Just keep breathing, little Crow.”
“Plowing like a Negro” is actually the way to success”
“If there is such a thing as complete happiness, it is knowing that you are in the right place.”
“I’ve been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.”
“No matter how bad the situation, do not lose heart.”
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”
“Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it.”