“I cannot confuse the ‘battle’ with the ‘war’. For out of my weakness I am bound to lose a battle, but out of God’s strength I am guaranteed to win the war.”

“To turned away from the destruction in the wrong path of wickedness, one must possess the knowledge of the light in right path.”

“No matter how hard life is, don’t lose hope”

“It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.”

“It takes more effort to avoid the truth than it does to face it.”

“The first time you see something that you have never seen before, you almost always know right away if you should eat it or run away from it.”

“I am in this same river. I can’t much help it. I admit it: I’m racist. The other night I saw a group (or maybe a pack?) or white teenagers standing in a vacant lot, clustered around a 4×4, and I crossed the street to avoid them; had they been black, I probably would have taken another street entirely. And I’m misogynistic. I admit that, too. I’m a shitty cook, and a worse house cleaner, probably in great measure because I’ve internalized the notion that these are woman’s work. Of course, I never admit that’s why I don’t do them: I always say I just don’t much enjoy those activities (which is true enough; and it’s true enough also that many women don’t enjoy them either), and in any case, I’ve got better things to do, like write books and teach classes where I feel morally superior to pimps. And naturally I value money over life. Why else would I own a computer with a hard drive put together in Thailand by women dying of job-induced cancer? Why else would I own shirts mad in a sweatshop in Bangladesh, and shoes put together in Mexico? The truth is that, although many of my best friends are people of color (as the cliche goes), and other of my best friends are women, I am part of this river: I benefit from the exploitation of others, and I do not much want to sacrifice this privilege. I am, after all, civilized, and have gained a taste for “comforts and elegancies” which can be gained only through the coercion of slavery. The truth is that like most others who benefit from this deep and broad river, I would probably rather die (and maybe even kill, or better, have someone kill for me) than trade places with the men, women, and children who made my computer, my shirt, my shoes.”

“Some people’s situation made them struggle. Some people find a purpose to struggle. Success depends on your choice, persistence, and ultimate struggle.”

“They sat in silence, watching the river flow in the same direction it always had, a ribbon connecting the past with the present, and a reminder that time moved on regardless of whether you wanted it too.”

“The secret of happiness is not doing what we like but in liking what we do.”

“Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness”

“Change doesn’t require leaving your life behind and starting anew. You aren’t required to quit your job, move across the world, sell all your belongings, or start a new extravagant hobby. You can but you don’t have to. Change can be as simple as appreciating the joyful tune of a singing bird, the delicate shape of a soaring snowflake, or the pleasant hope of a sprouting sapling. You can make change as simple or complex as you please.”

“It kills me sometimes, how people die.”

“If sad, eat cookie. If still sad, talk to doctor. Sounds serious.”

“CLEMENTINE: This is it, Joel. It’s going to be gone soon.JOEL: I know.CLEMENTINE: What do we do?JOEL: Enjoy it.”