All Quotes By Tag: Brainy-quotes
“The greatest happiness in the world is in helping the people you don’t know and seeing them happy.”
“I take my own time to impress. If you’re impatient, I’m just another ordinary person!-SP”
“Joy not shared is joy wasted.”
“There is always one more thing in someone’s hippocampus that you may know nothing about. There is always one more thing in your hippocampus that you may know nothing about.”
“To visualize the future – the vast ocean of possibilities, you must first learn to distinguish between knowledge and illusion of knowledge.”
“I don’t know all the answers, only idiots think that they have all the answers. All I do, is try to understand.”
“Only if the humans could realize the inexplicable happiness that comes from loving others, there would no longer be any trace of hatred and discrimination in the world.”
“Smartness will not save this world, warmth and wisdom will.”
“Be the person that will take the first step towards personal success. You will be remembered for it.”
“Godliness matters, not God.”
“The Lord is in you and only in you. Without the human mind to construct an over-exaggerated idea of the Lord, there is no actual Lord of humanity except for humanity itself.”
“You are the answers to your own prayers.”
“The moment, you begin to think without any sort of predominant conformity whatsoever, simply to be the act of thinking, that is the moment when answers of real glory and progressive significance begin to manifest in front of your mortal eyes.”
“Fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom.”
“Meekness-induced prejudices have no place in the society of thinking humanity.”