“For those who know the value of and exquisite taste of solitary freedom (for one is only free when alone), the act of leaving is the bravest and most beautiful of all.”

“She’d also called me brave…unless she was talking to the catfish.”

“Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.”

“Life has no victims. There are no victims in this life.No one has the right to point fingers at his/her past and blame it for what he/she is today. We do not have the right to point our finger at someone else and blame that person for how we treat others, today.Don’t hide in the corner, pointing fingers at your past. Don’t sit under the table, talking about someone who has hurt you. Instead, stand up and face your past! Face your fears! Face your pain! And stomach it all! You may have to do so kicking and screaming and throwing fits and crying- but by all means- face it!This life makes no room for cowards.”

“You have to be the bravest person in the world to go out every day, being yourself when no one likes who you are.”

“We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.”

“My point is that love is the most powerful motivator in the world. It spurs mortals to greatness. Their noblest, bravest acts are done for love.”

“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.”

“Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever. But you do it anyway.”

“Without fear there cannot be courage.”

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

“Your heart’s strength is measured by how hard it holds on. Your self worth and faith is measured by finally letting go. However, your peace is measured by how long you don’t look back.”

“To know a species, look at its fears. To know yourself, look at your fears. Fear in itself is not important, but fear stands there and points you in the direction of things that are important. Don’t be afraid of your fears, they’re not there to scare you; they’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”