All Quotes By Tag: Freedom
“I don’t have a diary, I don’t write things into a diary. I imprint myself into the sky and when the sunlight shines brightly, I can stand under the sun’s rays and everything I have imprinted of myself into the sky, I will begin to see again, feel again, remember. And when the wind begins to blow, it blows the details over my face, and I remember everything I left in the sky and see new things being born. I am unwritten.”
“LIBERTY! FREEDOM! DEMOCRACY!True anyhow no matter how manyLiars use those words.”
“Do you have a truth of your own, Anton? Tell me, do you? Are you certain of it? Then believe it, not in my truth, not in Geser’s. Believe in it and fight for it. If you have enough courage. If the idea doesn’t make you shudder. What’s bad about Dark freedom is not just that it’s freedom from others. That’s another explanation for little children. Dark freedom is first and foremost freedom from yourself, from your own conscience and your own soul. The moment you can’t feel any pain in your chest—call for help. Only by then it’ll be too late”
“No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it”
“The truth which sets men free is the truth which most men fear to accept.”
“Don’t be so loyal to your mind; the mind is not loyal to You.”
“It takes courage to become authentic. So many talk about the light but not enough speak the truth about the struggles it takes to get there and the tools to overcome it all.”
“Though gay men have begun to understand it is something in themselves these upright men so fear, too many of us have internalized their self-hatred as shame. That the flesh and the spirit are one in love is none of the business of the celibate men of God, especially those who believe they rule the province of love. But the mission of the homophobe is more pernicious even than his morality. He wants every one of us to be all alone, never to find the beloved friend.A man ought to be free to find his reason. Not that freedom alone will serve it up: it requires the gods’ own fury of luck to get two people to meet. But when it finally happens, two men in love can’t rejoice out loud—joy of the very thing everyone burns for—without bracing for the rant of prophets, the schoolyard bully, and Rome’s “intrinsic evil.” I try to remember that we fight as a ragged people to outlast the calamity so that others can sleep as safe as my friend and I, like a raft in the tempest.”
“…there is therefore now no condemnation for two reasons: you are dead now; and God, as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has been dead all along. The blame game was over before it started. It really was. All Jesus did was announce that truth and tell you it would make you free. It was admittedly a dangerous thing to do. You are a menace. Be he did it; and therefore, menace or not, here you stand: uncondemned, forever, now. What are you going to do with your freedom?”
“Dios no ata las manos de sus criaturas. Nos ha dado libertad. Pero el precio de la libertad es la responsabilidad. Cada uno de nosotros es responsable de sus actos.”
“Our speech was free when we were born, a gift from god.Our incarceration for that same free speech, is a gift from man acting as a god.”
“There is nothing more powerful than truth. It is undeniable and should always be appreciated. The truth gives you unlimited freedom to be who you are and express how you feel. The truth offers you peace of mind which is something we all love.”
“Just like freedom, Truth is not cheap. Yet both are worth more than all the gold in the world. But what is freedom, if there is no truth? And what is truth, if there is no freedom? Both are worth fighting for — because one without the other would be hell.”
“If we really desire God’s help, we should not look to ourselves, but to him… The more we are able to look outward and forget ourselves, the more easily our mind can be freed and healed by God.”
“Lovely God please keep the bad part of me aside”