“Inspiration opens windows to new possibilities, giving us vision with what we can do with our lives.”

“Do not teach children about the meaning of inspiration. Lead by example and show them first hand. Actions speak louder than words.”

“As human beings, we are so bombarded by gossip and messages about how we should be living our lives, many of us become overwhelmed and confused about what we really want to say to each other.”

“When it comes to rain making, not all followers are equally valuable. Some people have a lot more influence than others.”

“Make time to relax, you are legally entitled to take a break, so what’s stopping you?”

“Life has many roadblocks. If you can’t move, create your own path. Quitting is not an option.”

“Don’t Hurry through life, don’t Worry through Life. Life is not just to Run, it’s also to have some Fun.”

“When the Holy Spirit demands attention, He clunks you on the head.”

“I was always taught that when you’re lucky enough to learn something or have some advantage you should share it.”

“Take up a hobby and bring back the passion in life. Don’t let stress creep in to cause you mayhem and strife.”

“Exercise is not a chore! Improving your health and well-being should be something you enjoy, in combating stress, so be sure to always have fun whilst doing it.”

“The more connections you make, the more engagement you elicit, the more value you bring. The more likely it is that your brand will be rewarded.”


“Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia”

“Be Commited to your goals , Dreams & ideasOnly Motivation Is not Enough.”