All Quotes By Tag: Integrity
“The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.”
“Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.”
“…[S]o many people look only to their bank balance for peace or to fellow human beings for models to follow. Clinicians, academicians, and politicians are often put to a test of faith. In pursuit of their goals, will their religion show or will it be hidden? Are they tied back to God or to man? I had such a test decades ago when one of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions. He demanded that I not combine the two. How could I do that? Truth is truth! It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside. Whether truth emerges from a scientific laboratory or through revelation, all truth emanates from God.”
“Character makes trust possible and trust makes great leadership possible.”
“The one thing which seems to me quite impossible is to take into consideration the kind of book one is expected to write; surely one can only write the book that is there to be written.(Letter to Muriel St. Clare Byrne, 8 September 1935)”
“People that blatantly lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate other people to become successful seriously lack any kind of integrity. It amazes me how some people hold their head up high and walk around like they’re all of that, knowing that they wouldn’t be where they are today or have what they have if it wasn’t for some kind of corruption on their part. You shouldn’t have to do any of those things to get ahead. I am greatness! I vow to NOT compromise my character in any way, shape, or form while building my empire. I represent excellence and I have no desire to be anything less.”
“There is a goodness in the world that got me through, that taught me it’s important to know who you are.”
“Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.”
“We prove ourselves by the way we live, and the way we live resonates among all we know and do.”
“Integrity is doing what is right. Ethics is doing what is right for a society. The philosophy of ethics is very interesting and unsettling. Ethics often depends on societal beliefs, religious beliefs, personal beliefs, personal emotions, and the laws of a country. Honor killings are ethical in some societies even though they are considered evil acts for a civilized society. We should promote what is right for your conscience and for universal human rights. We can create a universal ethical stand point.”
“[O]ne can scarcely be frightened off writing what one wants to write for fear an obscure reviewer should patronise one on that account.”
“The Leader who is successful does not impress anyone with stories he should inspire others with his integrity of choices.”
“Rise early and seize each day, learn much and use this knowledge well, spend time with those you love, never abuse your pets, use logic to fight the irrational (for it is everywhere), defend the environment and its wildlife as a knight would protect King Arthur, meld mind and heart for greatest creativity, follow your dreams, and become all that you can be.”
“Some say if you want success surround yourself with successful people. I say if you want true and lasting success surround yourself with people of integrity.”
“Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul’s potential.”