“Time is the single most important resource that we have. Every single minute we lose is never coming back.”

“Break the rules not because you don’t know better, but because you know them too well”

“Although sometimes the road to success follows a path less-travelled, a path less-travelled often leads to nowhere”

“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”

“Live a life that fits your specific circumstances, not one that fits someone else’s expectations”

“Did I know that the reason Hitler had been able to slaughter six million Jews without too much complaint from the world was that for two thousand years the world had been taught that Jews, not Romans, had killed that man?”

“The experiences you get from failures early in life, will carry you for the rest of your life.”

“The more risk you can take upfront in life, the better off you will be later.”

“No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become “Successful”.”

“Being broke is part of the journey. Staying broke is a fucking choice.”

“As far as he can tell, that’s what Odo spends most of his time doing: being in time, like one sits by the river, watching the water go by. It’s a lesson hard learned, just to sit there and be.”

“With time involved, everything is temporary.”