“In my whole life of who I am today, there has been a spectacular contribution of everyone who are ‘Ambition-less’ & ‘Effortless’. They fascinated me because eventually, they proved to be the ‘Flawless’.”

“Beauty is very short-lived and overrated.”

“Who can forget the lessons, trouble teaches?”

“Light your life with purpose and all shadows will disappear.”

“You do not blame your shadow for the shape of your body: Just the same: Do not blame others for the shape of your experience.”

“Clean the lenses of your heart – world is beautiful.”

“First thing in the morning when you wake up, if you internally declare and believe that today is a good day, your experiences will comply.”

“Mindset is everything. Like the eye of a storm -find the sunshine and calm within you, even if there is chaos outside of you.”

“Enemies come soon enough in a mans life,’ he told me, ‘you don’t need to seek them out”

“My precious things… are things I’ve made for myself.”

“A smooth flowing river in the valley gets turbulent on the turns but immediately resumes its course with all the purpose. That ability is what makes a river immortal.”

“Es un odioso oficio el de testigo y yo ni siquiera puedo evitar serlo de mí mismo.”

“The more difficult is the journey the sweeter the destination”

“in Everyday of our lives we prepare our friends to become our future enemies,lets Prepare them well”