All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“Being an adult isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want. Being an adult is the duty of having no one else to blame but yourself when you make decisions, bad or good.”
“Your life has only one authority and that’s you.”
“Majority of people entering your life only come to distract you. They ain’t there to be with you, support you or love you. They come to get something or stop you from the progress you are making. They are priks for your life. Don’t let them in. Or if happened to do so, make sure they understand that they don’t matter to you. Tell them, “you are a nobody, you can’t hurt me because I don’t see you, you don’t exist, you are just a bad dream. I am waking up now and you are not there anymore.”
“in Everyday of our lives we prepare our friends to become our future enemies,lets Prepare them well”
“It is only by being ordinary you get to be extraordinary. Being ordinary does not mean being a robotic slave to the social conformities, like everybody else, rather it means not giving importance to both the superficiality, that is the material, and the so-called spiritual.”
“Life is undoubtedly born of biology, but if a lifeform strictly constructs all its perception living inside the ship-shape well of biology, despite having developed the brain capacity to be beyond it, then it is a disgusting mockery of life itself.”
“We need to be raising our children for LIFE. Life is not a small system within 4 walls. Life is vast and wild. And once our children are out of school, that’s where life really begins. Too many people are raising their children to conform to systems. And when they start life they will continue to simply conform to whatever system they find themselves inside of. And those are exactly the kinds of people who will never change the world. The only types of people who change this world, are the ones who think on their own, design their own lives, and create their own systems. Everybody else is just there for the train ride. Very few people are designing their own train tracks. Raise railway designers, stop raising commuters.”
“Life is like a library: you can borrow whichever experiences you deem pleasant, and easily return those that bring you pain.”
“Life is no different than cooking and to make a great meal, be a great cook!”
“कोई किसी की बैसाखी नहीं बन सकता। राम-राम दुआ-सलाम तक आदमी जिन्दगी में साथ दे दें, उतना ही उसके वश में है और दूसरे के लिए भी उतना ही काफी है।”
“Neither materialism, nor spiritualism reveals the truth – neither atheism, nor theism reveals the truth – neither intellectualism, nor callousness reveals the truth. Truth is beyond all opposites.”
“If you don’t tell yourself the truth you’ll always be a liar.”
“My life is a daily celebration. I choose who to invite to my party, and who doesn’t get an invitation. And I’d be damned if I spent my time standing at the door, looking out and wondering where some people are, while my home is filled with people who are there to celebrate with me. Every day, I am going to party with the people whom I invited, the people who matter.”
“I wish I could hold time in my hands. I wish I could talk to it. Oh, how I would ask it to give me just a few more increments of its elusive power. How can something we can’t touch or see have so much control over our lives.It was time that took you too soon, too young, before I got to say all of the things I wanted to, needed to. Things you will never know. And I carry them like a weight, these words, these sentences, right in the middle of my chest, because they have nowhere else to go.If only time had allowed me to understand the things I would want to say after you were gone. That’s the thing. They told me “don’t leave anything unsaid.” But I didn’t know what I wanted to say until it was too late, until you were gone. It was the time afterward that held all the wisdom.”
“We believe the lies about the true meaning of life because these lies are familiar and hence comfortable. Yet, when we let divine truth guide us, it might be uncomfortable in the beginning, but this truth will ultimately set us free.”